Light ventilation important?


Hey all, new to the site, lovin it so far! Cheers to us the pot tokers and growers!

I'm wondering if light ventilation is important? I see pics here and there of people running duct to their lights, fans blowing air on them... Is this absolutely needed?

I'm going to be running a 400 watt MH/HPS


It all really depends on how much heat your lights are giving off. Are you in a small area with that 400w? Are you having any trouble with heat? If your not having any trouble with your heat then I would say don't vent them it will end up costing more on power with an in line fan and what not.


Ok I see, thanks. My room is about 5x6x7. Pretty small, haven't plugged the 400 watt in yet, I'm still finishing my setup. I do have 15 plants going under my flourescnets atm.

BTW, sick avatar! haha.. Is that you, and is it real? lol


Well-Known Member
yes venting your lights is key to maintaining a reasonable temperature range. 400w in a 30 sq ft room is not enough light. you can maximize your light efficiency if you partition off your light to a proper sized area. this will help you utilize all the light by reflecting it off the walls, but will concentrate the heat also. if you use the proper amount of light for your area, you will need proper ventilation i have seen grows ruined because the person did not get the proper fans to vent their lights. heat was always a problem and their yeild was significantly smaller than it should have been.


We run 1000w's and they put off alot of heat however a $110 8" fan @ 725cfm keeps them pretty cool so that we can be close to 1 foot from the plants.

I think when running any light if you vent it properly you will be able to keep it much closer to the plant therefore reaching lower leaves and keeping your plant bushier.


yes venting your lights is key to maintaining a reasonable temperature range. 400w in a 30 sq ft room is not enough light. you can maximize your light efficiency if you partition off your light to a proper sized area. this will help you utilize all the light by reflecting it off the walls, but will concentrate the heat also. if you use the proper amount of light for your area, you will need proper ventilation i have seen grows ruined because the person did not get the proper fans to vent their lights. heat was always a problem and their yeild was significantly smaller than it should have been.
400w isn't enough for a 30s' room? Really? It seems extremely bright. 30s' room is exactly what I'm using. I actually thought it was pretty small. Keeping in mind that pot plants should be spaced about 3' apart from eachother to maximize their growth. My temp is always around 80 - 85 F.. I have two fans, one inlet and one outlet, but they are on the floor venting out of the plastic barrier. my 400w MH sits about 1' - 1.5' above my plants. This won't be good for plant growth you don't think??


400w is ideal for a 4x4 space. Of course you can grow in a bigger area than that but the lights capacity will be diminished along the outer edges. Also will have less reflection on the main 4x4 area. if yopu space your plants 3' apart your not gonna fit many underneath the 400w main area. I would space the plants closer together and flowert them sooner. You dont want giants in this area.


i would close it off a little more CLarke. 5'x7' is quite a way for a 400w to stretch. you'll probably get better results if you bring your plastic in a little. Good luck