Light under plant, Does it help at all?


Well-Known Member
Hey, my names Truman. As you all should know, I am a dog. Unbenounced to my owner, I have been growing some seeds I found in a bag of this stinky stuff he always buys.

I have 1 plant that has been vegging for probably 2-3 weeks
and 5 seedling (more to come probably, these just sprouted first.
In the pictures you will notice a little light fixture, shining light UNDER the leaves. Do you think this helps at all?

heres some pictures.

Notice on 305 those little.. things on the stem? Are those preflowers? EDIT, They are not.

By the way, that white/shiny stuff on the leaves is epsom salt, leaves went from light green to dark green a day after I put that on them.

Tell me what you think/give me some advice, I don't bite.
Yea, I saw those things coming out of the side and my first thought was "The fuck are these?".

I was told the fact it is extremely Bushy could mean it is more likely to be a female? even if that was true it is hard to tell because I have no experience growing this strain. Anyway, with all the seedlings I have one of them is bound to be female. I was thinking of 12/12 in about a week, but that would mean flowering 1 week old seedlings. any thoughts on that?