light trap ideas


Active Member
ok, so ive got a small issue and im looking to pool a few minds together to help me solve it. Having a slight heat issue. I could just run my air conditioner all day long but that can get pricey. Instead, I am looking to find a way to move hot air out of my veg room and into the flower room where the main exhaust is located. I was hoping to come up with a way to mount a regular box fan in the wall separating the two rooms. Obvioulsy thats going to let light through. Some my question is, does anyone have a light trap system to move massive amounts of air between their two rooms without having to spend another $100 on a squirrel fan with ducting?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I don't know where I read it, but one guy made a box with both ends knocked out, and inside the box on the left side, he had a partition that went from the top to the half way mark. Then another partition on the right side, but from the bottom up to the half way mark. This box was set in a hole cut in the door. Air could move in or out, but the light was blocked from going through. This box could even be made of cardboard. I hope I was a little clear & helpful.


Active Member
kinda what im looking for but i would like to propel the air with a fan. I was also thinking of some sort of contraption that would open flaps when the fan is on and shut when it is off.


Active Member
Well, I'v never made anything like it, but I'm an artist. When I think of shadows, the length of the box would determine whether or not light gets through. Make your box a rectangle. The smaller area of the box vs. the length of the 'tubular rectangle'= light exposure. :D I hope that makes sense. I wish I could draw you a diagram.

~Miss Behavin


Active Member
Hey, got another idea for you. Put your ventilation box opposite the bottom or top of where the lights are. I was going to say put your box low, but my lights are low. So I would want my box high. If you stay away from the lights via height, that will make a huge difference too.

~Miss Behavin


Well-Known Member
how big is your main exhaust fan? can you boost you inflow of air. If you can push more air in, I don't think you would even need a fan at the wall if you rooms are fairly air tight your exhaust fan will pull the air that is being pushed in. You could also use your wall if drywalled for the duct between rooms hole at the top in veg room hole in bottom in flower room. just some thoughts. good luck

That Smell

Active Member
Buy the duct and squirrel cage fan. If your going to do it do it pro. This way you can have the fan be heat activated. A back draft damper can be used to close the rooms off when the fan is not in operation.


Active Member
Thanks for the input, I guess ill have to go with anouther squirrel fan. Im currently pushing air in the veg room via a 265 cfm squirrel cage fan pulling from the central air vent in the bedroom. Have another 265 cfm fan conected to the 1000W MH hood venting into the flower room where my carbon filter is. The main exhaust fan connected to the filter is 480 cfm located in the bud room exiting via one of the air intake vent for the house if that makes any sense. English was not one of my strong suits :)