Light Transition

happy smoker

Active Member
I am going to veg under T5s and switch to a 1000 watt HPS for flower. My question is in the switch, should i switch to 12 and 12 before or after i put them under the hps? Or do i veg another week or two under the hps then switch to 12 and 12? Anybody played with this any and found either to be better than the other?


Active Member
I've never noticed any stress or damage due to going from 18-24 hrs. down to 12 in one day (including the change of different kinds of light bulbs). That's how I've done it for 10 years.

I've done the switch from CFL's to HPS many times with no problem. I just cut down the time and changed bulbs in the same day. I do keep the 1K watt up about 7 feet off the ground for a couple days to let them adjust. Then I lower them as the plants allow.

I don't see why your lights would make any difference.

I have also used Metal H. for a week then swithched to HPS.

It works well for me. Hope you do well.

happy smoker

Active Member
I guess what im really asking is i have alway heard that the T5 promote tighter nodes. Would switching to 12 and 12 for a week or so cut back on the stretch?


Active Member
I was also wondering, If i 12/12 with a floro for maybe first week up close, would it slow down strethcing, Keeping the nodes close?


Well-Known Member
i leav ein dark for 24 hrs between t5 and hps ( use cfl but same as t5) anwyays yeh 24 hr darkness then under a nice low hps and raise it as they grow

happy smoker

Active Member
I am going to experiment a little this time. I was just curious if anybody had already tried. Maybe ill give them 24 hrs dark in before i switch to 12 and 12. Thanks for the replies.