Light switch?


:shock:If heard switching lights duiring the flowering stage can greatly improve yield. Can anyone reccomend a light? Will be using 4 of them with basic reflectors. Also Is it benificial to place one of the light on the side to reach some underleaves? Sorry about multiple questions


Using 3 150 watt energy saver bulbs at the moment.(due to low budget) Very impressed with just 4 weeks of veg but since switching to 12-12 i feel like it could be neccessary for an upgrade. looking for any lights adaptable with basic plug and socket...


Well-Known Member
well next time be a lil more descriptive. r u talking about HID lighting, CFL's or wat??

yes it will yield more if u go to an HID set-up, FER SURE.

YES side lighting WILL help fatten the bottom and side buds up.

BUT switching to wat lights tho???? HPS, MH, CMH, CFL, FLORO?????


Well-Known Member

that piks old, but a 150 wattHPS will do u well.
or even a 250 watt.
i use a 400 watt (with no cooling hood) and its a 120 volt socket??




that piks old, but a 150 wattHPS will do u well.
or even a 250 watt.
i use a 400 watt (with no cooling hood) and its a 120 volt socket??

Using the spiral lights. I believe they are cfl? i could be wrong. have the 150 watt hps as well but still saving up for the whole setup for next harvest.


Active Member
spiral light's are cfls man i'd switch to the 150 hps u have and use the cfls for side lighting man then u'd be a happy camper for sure dude


Active Member
basicaly what i'm saying is like ^^^ in the pic's above that's a nice first time setup he had and then he showed what it evolved too if i were u i'd go with that first pic of the orig setup man