Light spectrum and bulb type?

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I did very well with a 7200k plantmax 1000 watt metal halide.

On another site their is a thread MH vs HPS some people claim 20% more with the MH.

I think the MH gives a better spectrum more usable light despite less lumens.


Well-Known Member
I did very well with a 7200k plantmax 1000 watt metal halide.

On another site their is a thread MH vs HPS some people claim 20% more with the MH.

I think the MH gives a better spectrum more usable light despite less lumens.
check out the spectral graph of the hortilux blue. I'll be running a blue and a super hps in combo next cycle.I've been threatening to use only the blue for one entire grow but it's just a touch weak on the reds by itself and a led panel or two may go good with it. this cycle it's still the penetrator and super hps. as was last cycle that looked something like this.
make mine hortilux.



Well-Known Member
I did very well with a 7200k plantmax 1000 watt metal halide.

On another site their is a thread MH vs HPS some people claim 20% more with the MH.

I think the MH gives a better spectrum more usable light despite less lumens.
and did you know I just had a "scientist" tell me 1000 watt lamps are too much for plants. 600 should be a max.


Well-Known Member
his exact copy and pasted words...."1000w lamps are too much for plants and causes photo-inhibition, stopping photosynthesis. At around 5500 footcandles photosynthesis stops, in nature. You can push up to 7000 indoors, but that's max, and still causing some plant shut down. If you back the light up to 2', then you lose 3/4 of the lamps energy, a 1000w light will only put out 250w of usable energy at 2 feet, its called inverse square law - its just the physics of light"

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I don't think it is to much as long as you give them space it would be easier to bleach leaf but you can cover more area if you go vertical.

I can't post pics from my phone but in my sig outdoor came indoor I got many.

My light has enhanced red the spectrum looks very good I'll post it later.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is to much as long as you give them space it would be easier to bleach leaf but you can cover more area if you go vertical.

I can't post pics from my phone but in my sig outdoor came indoor I got many.

My light has enhanced red the spectrum looks very good I'll post it later.
looks nice, glanced over it. got milk eh??? fin is that you??? haha. jk of course. you got some crazy shit going on up in there.


Well-Known Member
I really don't see why everyone in the thread is excited like a little school girl or something though :/


Well-Known Member
kinda I do actually, IF those plants are the same in the photos. nobody ever questioned? (haven't seen any question yet glancing over the thread).


Well-Known Member
sorry for jacking your thread op. as you can see different people have different ideas about lighting.


Well-Known Member
I've always run a mh for veg and hps for flower. The last 2 runs I switched to the Sunpulse 3k bulb for flower. It has alot of blue. My plants were probably 20% denser on the main colas. Sunpulse recommends switching to the 10k for the last couple weeks of flower. That's another 130 bucks. I'm currently almost 3 weeks since 12/12 switch and i'm running a plantmax hps this time. Kind of stuck on buying the sunpulse 10k. Hoping the plantmax does well.
It's alright I like hearing different opinions, I've always been of a mind to try mh in flower but there's a time and a place and its not here or now. I really would like to try the solis tek matrix along with hortilux blue and super HPS, but that's a big investment, maybe start smaller and work up to it.


Well-Known Member
No one mentioned ushio's enhanced spectrum bulbs?
Lower cost than Hortilux, and a broad enough spectrum where I feel OK to veg with.

I have a small segragated grow box, so I don't veg too long.
I germinate/veg with CFLs and T5, then veg (as needed) and flower with an HID w/Ushio.
I don't use the HID for too much vegetative growth, so I don't feel the need to switch bulbs to a MH.


Well-Known Member
I've always run a mh for veg and hps for flower. The last 2 runs I switched to the Sunpulse 3k bulb for flower. It has alot of blue. My plants were probably 20% denser on the main colas. Sunpulse recommends switching to the 10k for the last couple weeks of flower. That's another 130 bucks. I'm currently almost 3 weeks since 12/12 switch and i'm running a plantmax hps this time. Kind of stuck on buying the sunpulse 10k. Hoping the plantmax does well.
really? hellraizer said the 3k sunpulse blows, I own a few of those too. 3k and 10k both in 600 and 1000 watt. the info I posted about the "scientist" was a dude from sunpulse.


Well-Known Member
sunpulse 10k finishing lamp results I got. guess I should have taken pictures in the same light to really tell, same bud may have helped too :/
I THINK its at least the same plant/strain at day 1 and then at day 10 under the 10000k finishing mh.



Well-Known Member
Just get a dual arc hortilux and call it a day, 400w halide and 600w hps all in one package if u cant decide