Look at the spectrum of the Hortilux blue mh i run it for sprouts,veg,flower with unbelievable results dont get cought up in the k stuff so much or the lumens the spectralux will work great and you can get red bulbs for them for cheep if you desire or you can do an even mix but the blue sl bulbs rock all the way through
from my experiments id say no. possibly more blue less red still some red though. most of the day even in the fall the sun is at around 5000 to 8000K
being that autos are technically from Northern climates.. due to our extremely long days like 20/4 in june.. the sun will crank out more blue light being higher in the sky for longer.. it seems that only when the sun deeps to a certain point, that the blue light gets reflected off the atmosphere.. this is why i think the whole Idea of using mostly red is bullshit.. photo or auto..it doesn't make sense compared to nature.. only in the mornings and at sunset does the sun drop below 4000K