Light size???

The cap

Well-Known Member
Hi all, I'm currently using 2 x 400W hps lights in my room about 1.8 metres (6ft) by about 2.5 metres (8ft?) is that going to be enough or should I bite the bullet and get 2 x 600's??
Many thanks...


Global Moderator
Staff member
With out doing the math I'd have to say I like the 600's much better. I run two in a 2.5' x 7' closet and am very pleased with the results. Remember Light = Bud.
i would go with the six hundreds. you will get better yeild and your buds will be more dense just make sure you have good fans blowin thru your hoods and keep your temps in check. hope you harvest fat!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
it's enough to grow!! lol you can either buy two new six hundreds or pop some cfl's about and use the two 400's, depends how much you can afford