light screens that block light but let air pass?


Active Member
is there anything like this i could put in front of my vents so no lights get out but air passes in?


Well-Known Member
light wont bend but does reflect so a couple duct elbows paints black on the inside will do what you need


i usually just get some cardboard and line it with either black tape or paint the cardboard black what will be on the inside then do a square and 3 pieces of black cardboard inside- (the top view)- untitled.JPGso the air still gets through but no light does. found it on the web a while ago but cant remember the exact website



Active Member
i drilled 4 inch holes and bought darkroom louvers from midgetlouvre. Just be aware that if a normal 4 in hole is enough venting without any obstruction than you need at least 3 to account for the same airflow.