Light rotator/spinner/twister/yeah


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if anyone knows of a product capable of supporting/holding onto a 20lb rectangular LED light and rotating it in place?

I have a square grow space and I will be getting a rectangular LED grow light and I would like for it to be able to rotate/spin at least 90 degrees on its own (so either electrically or with some kind of wind up). I would prefer it to also move slowly and constantly and not in timed (but small) increments, although that would be acceptable.


PS: If anyone can think of a DIY project for this that would be great too


Well-Known Member
i havent heard of a light spinner but there are revolving platforms that you put under your plant pots and it spins them, kinda like a roundabout/merry go round you find in kids playgrounds, not sure what part of the forum i saw it though so you may have to wait until someobne that does know visits this thread