Light rotation


Active Member
I'm new to growing and have a few sprouted now, but it seems they aren't progressing at near the rate of some on here. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a rotation 18/6, 24 hour light, 12/12?

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I prefer 18/6 myself cause i feel like the six hours of sleep really help them rejuvenate in preparation for the following day's growth.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Shit I forgot...bare with me, I'm zooted. Anyway you don't put em on 12/12 until flowering time.


Active Member
hows your ph? what kinda light? how close is it? soil or hydro or air? new seeds are suseptable to many things, very fragil.


Active Member
Um their are two walmart brand florescent grow lights, and a 100w cfl, and it is several in. above the small plants. It is a soil grow, fox farm light warrior soil. The ph I'm not to sure about I have yet to spring for the meter, and I'm using distilled water on all of them.