Light Question


Active Member
I have a 150 watt high pressure sodium set up and was wondering if the bulb should be horizontal or vertical. Which would be a more efficient use of the light?.. Is this even enough wattage to expect a good grow? :confused:

The closets so damn bright I have to where sunglasses:blsmoke:

( The light itself is supposed to be outside night light bought it at Menards)


Well-Known Member
horizontal is best, and the watts all depend on the size of your grow room... dimensions?


Well-Known Member
HID bulbs have two designs one for horizontal use the other for veritcal use. If you use it the wrong way it will shorten the life significantly. Most are horizontal, but a small percantage are vertical use.


Well-Known Member
based on Your grow space dimensions you should be fine with 150 hps with decent results provided you get adequate ventilation and keep the temps in check etc.
and yup, like RX9man said, hang the bulb horizontally, and use a reflector...
Altho HPS bulbs can be positioned vertically or horizontally depending on your requirements.

If you want to make the most of your HPS, line the walls with mylar or paint them FLAT white.


Well-Known Member
ooops almost forgot, if temps are an issue, or if you just wanna maximise the grow space, use a cool tube.
It'll allow you to get the plants closer to the lights, and help keep the temps under control.


Active Member
So I need to get a 150 watt CoolTube? I cant put any bulb thats not an 150 watt HPS right? or do i just need a 150 watt cool tube?



Well-Known Member
just get a cool tube , u can make ur self a home made one , get a big and long candel glass cylender with a fan and ducting , i saw many expamples on google.


Well-Known Member
I have a 150 watt high pressure sodium set up and was wondering if the bulb should be horizontal or vertical. Which would be a more efficient use of the light?.. Is this even enough wattage to expect a good grow? :confused:

The closets so damn bright I have to where sunglasses:blsmoke:

( The light itself is supposed to be outside night light bought it at Menards)
The most efficient is vertical use with no reflector. Just place your plants around it in a cicle. BUT those gardens usually are running dual 1000W HPS bulbs and are not easy to pull off. So the best bet is to use it horizonatly at say max distancabout 12" from the plant since its only 150W. And is it enough wattage to expect a good grow? If you concentrate it on say maybe 2 plants and you keep it as close as possible then I think you can get some decent results.


Well-Known Member
150W HPS isnt going to produce that much heat, nothing compared to a 400W or 1000W bulb even. So no a cooltube isnt neccasary, unless you need to buy a fixture and just want one.


Well-Known Member
Yup puff , a cool tube isnt totally necessary on a 150w, But in a grow space that is 2 x 3 ft, even a 150w is gonna create enough heat to be a potential problem, as there isnt much air for the heat to dissipate into..especially as we have no idea how he's venting such a small grow space...and using a tube would help him maximise his grow spaces potential.

1morerip - a cool tube is just a fixture shaped like a tube, that has a fan in it or can be connected to a fan to extract the heat from the bulb... which means you can get the plants even closer to the light as they will not burn so easily, and helps keep the grow space ambient temperature at an acceptable level...They are especially usefull in tiny grow spaces, where you want maximum light in minimal space..
Also you can fit any size hps bulb into a cool tube.
here's a pic so youre more familiar with what we're talking about.


Well-Known Member
150W HPS isnt going to produce that much heat, nothing compared to a 400W or 1000W bulb even. So no a cooltube isnt neccasary, unless you need to buy a fixture and just want one.
i've just folowing the whole thread and i was collecting info - that was the first thing that i was goin to write after reading the thread :D