light question


Ima be buying the blooming spectrum one for my flowering plants but should I also buy a hps along with the setup from htg


Well-Known Member
I'm confused, because you say you are getting a blooming spectrum, but then you ask if you should also buy an HPS. An HPS is the red spectrum, which is for flowering or *blooming*. MH (Metal Halide) is the blue spectrum that is optimal for vegetation. Technically, you could do a whole grow under each, but not advised.


Im asking along with the bloom lights should I also buy hps so it gets thr max red light spec for blooming (flowering)


Well-Known Member
Hey Jay, 1st thing U have to do is ask the correct question.....its not clear as to what your asking, might be why U havent gotten an answer.


Do you think those lights would be sufficient enough for 4 plants or should I include the hps so it gets enough lights.


Well-Known Member
Hea bro a HPS is a blooming bulb that running off a ballast and hood, best for growing. T5s also have bloom bulbs ok for growing. Not sure what your running no pics but if you can upgrade to a HPS you'll pull a bigger yield. Hope this helps keep it green!


Well-Known Member
i use a T5 HO 2' 4 bulb for young seedlings.

i have a 600W CoolTube..MH/HPS that i run in a 4x4x7 tent.

the link you provided i would only use for seedlings.