Light Question


Active Member
i am growing in a 3x3x4 box and will have 4 plants, how many and of what type cfls will i need? do i need different lights for vegging and budding

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

Lumber is correct.... a 400 watt or bigger HPS would do you perfect..... if you wish to use CFLs, you should get at least 3 - 42 watt CFLs per plant...



maybe a 430w with the extra blue...

or a 600 if you really want good lighting =]

just make sure you have a good fan/fans for venting of the lighting, no matter what you choose!


Active Member
i know that hps are supposed to be better but the only one at home depot is like 200 bucks and i can't have one delivered off a site because im in high school and live with my parents. garden thanks for the tip but what kelvins do i need and do i need more light for flowering?


Well-Known Member
if u live with ur parents an hps might be kinda noticable, i no because mine light my house soooo id go cfl until u get ur own pad


i know that hps are supposed to be better but the only one at home depot is like 200 bucks and i can't have one delivered off a site because im in high school and live with my parents. garden thanks for the tip but what kelvins do i need and do i need more light for flowering?
oh come on now....

go guerilla...

don't gotta buy much of anything!

.... or get your parents in trouble...


Well-Known Member
im not here to preach morals. but u shouldnt grow in ur parents house for a list of reasons. but if you have to get a 600 watt hps and vent it. you wont regret it.


Active Member
haha there is no way i could pull off growing in my friend runs the local baseball field's snack stand and the back room isn't ever touched during the winter off season. so my issue isn't using the light its shipping it. the shack is unheated and is basically an old trailer so the cfl's either need to supply light and heat or i will need to get a little electric heater. so the grow boy is 3x3 if anyone could give me some specfications on those lights that would be great


haha there is no way i could pull off growing in my friend runs the local baseball field's snack stand and the back room isn't ever touched during the winter off season. so my issue isn't using the light its shipping it. the shack is unheated and is basically an old trailer so the cfl's either need to supply light and heat or i will need to get a little electric heater. so the grow boy is 3x3 if anyone could give me some specfications on those lights that would be great
i would suggest buying GK's book "Buds for Less" then and using 42w cfls...

that'll be prolly you're next best bet if you can't get real decent lighting...


Well-Known Member
for cfl's you will need 6500K Daylight bulbs for vegging...3 will suffice...but more is better...i'm using 7 on my 1 plant and i'm seeing GREAT results


Well-Known Member
i dunno if i would even consider it man. baseball feild? snack stand? back room? ehhhhh sounds reallllllllllll iffy to me. if i want to set up a grow i want a perfectly sealed and uninteruptable location. think about the shit u and ur friend will get into if yall get caught by LEO. kids baseballs dreams ruined. cmon bro think of the kids! why not plan for a gangster ass outdoor grow this season? (guess im the negative nancy on this one)


Well-Known Member
More light the better. Get a 400 MH watter for veg and a 400 watter HPS flowering. You will be suprised...............Result wise.



Well-Known Member
crazy man. I agree with BillyBob. You just gotta consider the consequences of getting caught. If you have a solid chance at producing 10-15 lbs. I'd say be careful...your talking about risking your life and alot of other stuff for what..MABY and ounce?


New Member
dude thats fuckin stupid.... grow in a giant card board box if you need to... but growing in that type of area is just stupid.... worse comes to worse build a fucking wooden shak in the woods and run a 1000 ft extension cord from your house :)