Light Question. !


Hi guys and girls, i have been popping in here for a while and have picked up loads of tips, great site and look forward to learning a lot more.. !!

I have a hydro set up, in a tent 120 x 120 x 180, with a 250w HPS, 45 litre tank and a nice extraction fan/ducting getting rid of heat and refreshing the air.

I am considering adding a Envirolite of between 125 and 250w in the red spectrum for use when during the flowering period, this will be used alongside the HPS, would this benefit or would it just be a waste of time. ?

Also, would this light be of any benefit for the 'Veg'period, or shall i only turn it on while flowering, i have read a lot of people saying Envirolite's are not as good as HPS, but what about when used WITH a HPS.?


Well-Known Member
I know that at 65 pounds for the light and reflector it's attractive. If it was me and it's not, I would throw a few extra quid at and get a T5. Set up a little veg, station and put them in the tent under the HPS to flower.


I forgot to mention, heat IS a problem, or i would add another 250HPS. I want to give a boost without adding another major heat source.

The HPS will be running through all cycles and has been good so far (3rd crop). I just fancy a bit more light in addition to my HPS but don't want to waste time and money if it wont make any extra yeild. !

Illegal Smile

I'd just hang some red spectrum cfls around the sides.




I think you need alot more light than that, try a 600wat hps. why are you having heat problem?
I haven't got heat problems as such, but it's in the loft and i am not prepared to run anything more than a 250 hps up there, which has been fine, good yeilds and REALLY frosty buds, but i fancy adding a bit more without too much increase in heat.