Light queastion?


Well-Known Member
A quick queastion as soon as I germinate the seeds and then put them into pots do I put them right under the lights?Before they show any growth in the pots?


Active Member
i would wait till they sprout atleast 3 - 4 inches or 3 nodes ... then i would put them under 300 w to 400 watt white bulbs. and 30 inches from the tip of the plant to hang them. i would also suggest hanging ur lights on a chain where u can lower them and raise them as growth continues then after 7 to 8 inches high change to 600 to 700 watt hps ballast lighting !

WELLCOOLBUDS: Envirolite Light System:

hope this helps



Well-Known Member
id say right away give them something to reach/grow to.!! After all nothing will grow in the dark, So get them under the light soon as you plant them even if its just 12hours light till they show which wont be long at all

or even a normal light bulb till they show then switch to your main light thats what I did


Well-Known Member
mine go under my full rig 400watt hps and 300 watts flouro. BigBud is right give'm something to reach for.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know what the hell your all afraid of, put em under the light. When mine sprouted, they went right under a 430 watt hps light. I also give mine nutes from day one. Out of 22 plants that are about 2 weeks old, each and everyone is doing well, except one. This is survival of the fittest. The sick one will end up on the shelf til it gets better.


Well-Known Member
videoman i have been looking at that light does the 30w of MH make a difference , I tied the lady down and i think the 430hps would give it what i need to get lateral growth.
By the way nice grow.