Light Quantity vs Light Quality Evidence ... Just for 4 u gg lol!

Do you think quantity is more important than quality

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I followed a bit of the shitstorm of a thread that has led to this particular thread. I just dont think this experiment is really going to help you prove your case.

For instance your weight conclusions. How can / should that be extrapolated to cannabis cultivation?

Should one expect to get ~30% more yield out of your system that uses ~80% less power (152w vs 680w yields)? Sounds a little too good to be true I would think...

Shugglet I am just presenting the facts and the evidence I have observed, it is for you to draw your own conclusions on the matter;)
To get reliable, usable data though would be a massive experimental undertaking.

Then you factor in the differences between different LEDs and differences between strains and it wouldnt surprise me if your margins of error made the experiment borderline useless.

The irony in this post is palpable.

Well there is nothing to stop you running your own tests, at the end of the day I am not the only one who has noticed certain things and the evidence clearly throws up differences granted it was a minute sample but it was done with clones so you do the maths ...with regards to differences in strain yes I know and yes I have posted about this previously saying pretty much the same..
Shugglet I have noticed a great many effects of light including non-par on canna growth ...But rather than talking about it and being a heresay harry I would rather document it. that way no one can try to pull the old "pics/proof" or it didn't happen routine.

I have discussed a lot of my findings in here, search my posts, what I will say is fuller spectrums are superior with regards to cannabis cultivation and that observation has also translated over into the tomato experiment and plenty of other crops I have grown and is pretty much in line with Satived had said.

There is plenty of other stuff going on and I will reveal everything in time when I am ready!
I've long suspected I use too much light because by the end of 12 hours my plants are drooping and at the beginning they are perky. I look in my backyard and I never see this the plants are active all day long. I know in my heart this is right, which isn't very scientific, but I will solve that by building my L.E.D. test light myself.
Yay another one who gets it..:clap:.

Keep spreading the word so we can get some actual truth up in this joint, rather than all this heresay Pseudo science that has been going on of late.
I have grown with almost every light source. Spectrum wins in potency hands down. Much more of a complex high. I am testing Diff HID bulbs and found a great one that has a great sprectrum with UV. Not tons of uv but enough to affect resin and THC content. The resin from the uv is some of the best. I think I am not a grower yet but a tester as I am trying most all I can to see what way I like best. Then I will be a grower.
I've long suspected I use too much light because by the end of 12 hours my plants are drooping and at the beginning they are perky. I look in my backyard and I never see this the plants are active all day long. I know in my heart this is right, which isn't very scientific, but I will solve that by building my L.E.D. test light myself.

Your observation sounds correct Mejuana, afterall the sun is never at full strength all day, there is only so much light a plant can take in a 24 hour period, beyond that point you are moving into light saturation territory.. I first started to notice this when I used to compare my HID grows vs my 4ft tube Flouro grows, hence I started to realize the importance of DLI.

You only have to look to nature for the answers (like you have already) and you will see the truth, so yeah feel really confident to try less light, you will probably find you are pleasantly surprised.
I have grown with almost every light source. Spectrum wins in potency hands down. Much more of a complex high. I am testing Diff HID bulbs and found a great one that has a great sprectrum with UV. Not tons of uv but enough to affect resin and THC content. The resin from the uv is some of the best. I think I am not a grower yet but a tester as I am trying most all I can to see what way I like best. Then I will be a grower.

Glad to see you are getting out there and running the tests, this is exactly what it should be about, real people running real tests in order to find out what works for them, it's the only way you will gain True knowledge and become the expert grower you have always dreamed of ...nothing beats testing and hands on experience so keep at it because it sounds like you are definitely finding the keys to unlocking your grow:clap:
Good try at a test, only problem is where are the pictures of the plants and why did you harvest so little tomatoes, I get more tomatoes than that each harvest off my tomato plant growing in my bay window and it has no actual lighting besides what it gets from outside.
My first thought was - man those are some rough looking tomato's lol
Would be nice to see the whole plant and overall health as well.
The problem with tomato's is that you don't automatically get a fruit set at every node like cannabis. Flower clusters seem less predictable and also rely on pollination to make a fruit.
I too play with tomato's indoors. They share my veg garden


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My first thought was - man those are some rough looking tomato's lol
Would be nice to see the whole plant and overall health as well.
The problem with tomato's is that you don't automatically get a fruit set at every node like cannabis. Flower clusters seem less predictable and also rely on pollination to make a fruit.
I too play with tomato's indoors. They share my veg garden
Gotta become a bee when you grow tomatoes indoors, I been pollenating mine with a q-tip damn thing is so tall now tho I cant reach some of the flowers at the top I grow Super Sweet 100 Hybrid for my cherry tomatoes and Marglobe for my sandwich tomatoes.
Good try at a test, only problem is where are the pictures of the plants and why did you harvest so little tomatoes, I get more tomatoes than that each harvest off my tomato plant growing in my bay window and it has no actual lighting besides what it gets from outside.

Pics enclosed I was getting a lot of interference from the ballast hence I couldn't be bothered to take more

With regards to yield I wasn't trying to go for outright yield or break any records lol, this test was merely about seeing if there would be a difference in yield between the spectrums... hence the plants were kept small and stripped down to begin with, then it was about seeing how they would recover and fruit under the different spectrums.


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Pics enclosed I was getting a lot of interference from the ballast hence I couldn't be bothered to take more

With regards to yield I wasn't trying to go for outright yield or break any records lol, this test was merely about seeing if there would be a difference in yield between the spectrums... hence the plants were kept small and stripped down to begin with, then it was about seeing how they would recover and fruit under the different spectrums.
If you weren't going for yield than why were you testing for it? It's just a really confusing test you ran I don't even see what was being tested if you aren't testing yield or plant size what are you testing? How badly you could abuse them?
Gotta become a bee when you grow tomatoes indoors, I been pollenating mine with a q-tip damn thing is so tall now tho I cant reach some of the flowers at the top I grow Super Sweet 100 Hybrid for my cherry tomatoes and Marglobe for my sandwich tomatoes.
Start looping the stems and pulling down like they do in greenhouse culture
Mine is looking like a curly cue now lol
If you weren't going for yield than why were you testing for it? It's just a really confusing test you ran I don't even see what was being tested if you aren't testing yield or plant size what are you testing? How badly you could abuse them?

Ah let me explain lol.

If you notice the pots are super small and I did the grow in a soil mix - Now if I was aiming for outright yield I would have grown in hydro but that was not the purpose of this test.

It was about keeping them small and then stripping down near to flowering, then seeing how they would recover and yield versus each other, the plan was to do a follow on experiment with a larger stock in hydro with each light over 1.2m2 area and allow the plants to go all out before flipping to see what would happen (yep I know it sounds crazy but I want to see what happens), but I have not had the time to run the experiment.
Start looping the stems and pulling down like they do in greenhouse culture
Mine is looking like a curly cue now lol
Mine looks like one of those native American dream catchers, it's a ring with all these vines weaved through it, still hitting my damn ceiling though.
My first thought was - man those are some rough looking tomato's lol
Would be nice to see the whole plant and overall health as well.
The problem with tomato's is that you don't automatically get a fruit set at every node like cannabis. Flower clusters seem less predictable and also rely on pollination to make a fruit.
I too play with tomato's indoors. They share my veg garden

Nice pic Onehitdone what varieties of tomatoes are you growing?
What type of setup are you running Yoda are you using artificial lighting?
It's growing in my front window of my house it doesn't get any artificial light just what comes in the window here I took a picture. Had to put a cage around the bottom so my cat doesn't eat it and die. This is my Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomato.


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