Light Pros Help me


Well-Known Member
Yes that is a good cfl to but i think u will need more than 10X to get anything worth while peace good luck


Active Member
Yes that is a good cfl to but i think u will need more than 10X to get anything worth while peace good luck
why would i need so much? im growing in my dresser going to have 1 light per plant, also im painting the walls white.


Well-Known Member
why would i need so much? im growing in my dresser going to have 1 light per plant, also im painting the walls white.
Well that sounds good for seedlings/newborns & early stages of veg but simply is not enough to supply plant with enough light/lumens/watts 4 it 2 produce something worth while.How big is your dresser?


Active Member
get the three light recepticle and put 3 on each plant
Why so much tho? in the faq is states a 27 watt ... i need 3 per plant? remember the dreser is only 4ft tall, 3 ft wide, 2 ft deep, painting the walls white to.. seriously i need 3 lights (42 watts) per plant?


Well-Known Member
exactly, the more you put in there the more the buds. Ive seen people have like 50 cfls surrounding the plants. Theres never too much but there can always be too little


Well-Known Member
i think those cfls are for flowering it says warm 2700k i have 5x100 watt daylights on two plants..

they say mh lights are the best look on ebay u can get a 600 watt mh/hps grow kit and its air cooled for bout 300 bucks thats what im waiting on for my bday

chronic vegan

Active Member
bust the bottom out of the drawers and crerate one bigger aspace. get a 250 watt MH( veg state) but remeber you will need 250 HPS bulb for flowering stage.

remember temp and humidity are citical, air ciruclation.

I ru temp of 76 degrees and hum between 35 to 45. the drier hum will also keep down chance of mold grow


Active Member
So it looks like im going to lowes tomorrow to buy a 250 MH. this should work swell for 3 plants in a 5x3x2deep dresser?ya? Would Aqua globes work for wattering? any one got any good furtilizer in mind? and would just planting 3 seeds from a sack work to start me off?


Green Thumb of God
At Lowes I found a dope CFL last night 64 watt 3500 lumen giant. I generally don't use CFL's but I added that bad boy into the grow.


Active Member
I use a 100 watt MH veg and later i add 70 watt HPS for late veg...A 150 HPS above /70 watt HPS below with my MH still above for flowering... Im on my first grow and only one plant in a power grow system... but had a lot of help from experts building my box and figuring out lighting..... I rigged a lot of stuff i got at home depo from outside lighting.. just take the guts out and made a reflective backside and makeshift holder and.... boom your ready to go. Unless you can fit the whole fixture in there lot less work.... happy growing