light proofing my cabinet


Well-Known Member
im growing in a 3.5' by 2' by 2' cabinet, and i am experiencing alot of light coming through the cracks. I have tried to use aluminum foil to block them, but that doesnt seem to work well. Any ideas on how i can seal the cracks to block light, yet still be able to open it on a daily basis? I also need to know how a can stop light from coming out of my exhaust fan vent.
Ah, exhaust vent, missed that part, make a U (laying on its side, or make an S shaped one) shaped tube going out of your exhaust and none will get through
so, where would i attach this tape, to the door? i need to be able to open it without reapllying tape.
I was thinking of taping all along the outside, you would only have to re-apply around the door, and it probably wouldn't be too often, and it's only $5 a roll. Another solution would be making a curtain out of mylar (or mylar wrapping paper it's only $1) behind the door, then just push it out of the way when you open the door.
i think I might try to use the mylar, because this is a stealthgrow, and a silver coated cabinet may be noticeable lol. Is there anyway I can use that tape on the inside of the cab to block the light?
My suggestion is get the mylar.. DO NOT CUT seperate for door atach the mylay to the inside of the cabinet and use a flap to the door.. ex:

[ ]

[] being for the door and [ ] being for inside cabnet..

that might work..
Im not sure I understand what you are trying to communicate to me. i was just going to tape the mylar in a kind of shade type thing on the side that was facing the door, yet I think this may cause hot spots.
Well what im trying to say is "T" shape it.. have you ever made a paper box? its a "t" and the top and sides of t fold in to make a half enclosed box.. then the other part.. the long | part of the 2 folds to close it.. because with your door you have 4 sides (top, left, right, and bottom) to keep light from seeping out.. if you dont cut the mylar and put a seperate peicue and just use a continues peice you can eliminate light from comming oput 1 side of the door.... the other sides are really easy.. fold them over.. so they face inward to the door hole.. grr i know you wont under stand this.. curse my drawing capabilities.. =/
no that actually makes it much clearer. What i was missing before this was the fact that you where saying to cover everything with mylar, not just the door. thank for you help, Ill get back to you on how it works.
try some weather stripping it works to seal the light and air out. Foam rubber type should do you if it it leaking out the doors