light problem


Well-Known Member
My light didnt knock off earlyer and has been on 9 hours over the 12 hr finish so am wondering should i leave it till tomoro eve 27hrs time or put it back oon now in 3 hrs and hope for the best am in week 6 of flowerin


Active Member
if your talking about the light cycle which its sounds like then it should be ok to leave it an check it tomorrow to see if it switches on/off at the right times you set it as.

If its still not switching off/on when you set it you might have a defective timer.


Well-Known Member
The timer is fine i was working on the box last night and pluged in the lights with out the timer. Wee bit stubit here just-

so anyway do u think theres damage ? And would it be best to let it have a days darkness


Active Member
dont worry, asa one off mistake it wouldnt do any serious damage. i did it a few years back, but it didnt effect my harvest.

just ensure your time is plugged in and continue your grow as normal! If your still worrying then tomorrow look in on your plants, but im sure 1 full day of light wont hurt them.


Well-Known Member
me personally I would of turned the lights off asap . and leave off for 12 hours and start that new schedule what ever it may be. I have do that before twice , fucking power outages fucked my times. extending the lights will tell the plants its not time to flower but time to reveg.