Light Problem Help Me Hide It PLZ


Active Member
I just got my pc box and its great my only prob is where my exhaust fan it placed a good amount of light leaks through. Im asking you guys if you have any suggestions to damper the light to a minimum but still having moderate air flow....tylight.jpg


Active Member
i had the same problem and i didnt know wat 2 do so i dismantled it!!! plus my plant was getting to big for the pc


Well-Known Member
how stealth are you looking for it to be? there is a DIY carbon filter that dims the light coming out of the fan a serious amount. It will look fishy though. Ill look for the link.. but that would provide both a light "dimmer" and a filter come bud time...


New Member
got the same problem bro i don't know what to do either thinking about just putting the carbon filter on the back of it


Active Member
You paid that much and it wasn't light tight?? Wouldn't that be part of being stealth. The fear is not so much the light out, it's the light in. You don't want to interupt the sleep stage. You'll get hermies.
Yea unfortunately I did but i made a quick fix to the only light leak. I just took an angled air vent ripped and modified from an old pc and just mounted it over the fan. Cool thing is that i reduced all the light and didn't lose any airflow.