Light problem for indoor marijuana growing

Hello as you know about two months later we will turn to autumn and later winter season in north hemisphere our friends will apply to indoor growing room about abou 250 ft/2 room as we calculate we can add near 200 plant to inside this room and we will adjust growin time for 3-4 month we try to 25 inch plants can we use 4*1000 watt metal halide for vegetative time and 4*1000 watt HPS for flowering is it enough for this plants.I will waiting for your comments.Everything is completed just we think for lightning problem.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Not trying to be a dick, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

Are you saying can you fit 200 plants under 4 1000 watt lights? If you do SOG, then absolutely.


Well-Known Member
you can easily get 25+ inch plants with less than a month of veg time.

I'd rather go with 6 or so 600w HPS lights.
Thanks for your comments can we use 8 pieces 600 watt metal halide lamps for that in vegetative what will be our gain or lost?Can we use same wattage lamps on HPS lamps for flowering progress.


Thanks for your comments can we use 8 pieces 600 watt metal halide lamps for that in vegetative what will be our gain or lost?Can we use same wattage lamps on HPS lamps for flowering progress.

MH puts out more the blue spectrum for vegging, Hps is more red/orange which the plants use for flowering.
Just make sure that you buy a digital ballast, that runs both MH/HPS. And make sure the wattage on the ballast matches the bulb.

Peace and Pot