Light placement question


Well-Known Member
Hi, its been a good while since ive posted in here. ive been outta the growing game for almost 10 years but maybe in the not to distant future i could hop back on the horse.. right now its all planning and what ifs which is why im here.

If i do start back up it will be in a bedroom thats about 14'x12'6''. there is a window unit in the only window in the room that will cool everything and a ceiling fan centered in the room. i want to put 4 600 watt lights in a square pattern around the ceiling fan, say in an X pattern with lights at the end of the X and fan centered. lets say i have 4 dual spectrum hids that cover the veg spectrums. and focus on flowering here. i have a 8inch exhaust fan and a carbon filter to exhuast out

maybe flowering 7 rows 7 plants for a total of 49. with 9 plants centered under each light, and one middle row centered for the remaining plants, in a + pattern between the 4 sets of 9. i hope thats not too hard to under stand i may put up a drawing.. the overall plan later is to branch out into the other bedroom and veg there, clone there. run perpetual, harvesting and moving in 12 plants every cycle, which depending on strain could run 2-3 weeks i figure.

My question is what is the most effecient placement for lights in this set up, if i want to get the best light coverage combined from all 4 lights in one big square grow area?

PLEASE excuse this half ass paint diagram ive never been great in paint but i hope it gets the point accros... the star is the fan the squares lights and the square in the wall is the ac. i figure i can flower 9 plants under each 600, the middle row i hope to leech the overal coverage.

any advice or questions welcome.



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Looks like the plants under the fan will be getting the least light but hard to tell with the drawing. You can buy a PAR meter on amazon for about $40. That will help a lot with knowing what needs more light.
I'll add that you could benefit from adding a couple or at least one 4 ft shop light with 6500K bulbs even in flower. It helps them from stretching so much during flower. I don't know the science behind it but read a really good article about it.
i worked most of it out for myself. i plan to about 10 ft between the lights, giving me about 1.25ft empty space on the one side and 2 ft empty space on the other side. each light will be lighting a 5x5 area.