Well-Known Member
All that sounds really good and all but I don't think you have any scientific research to back it up. Some of the so called experts in this field all came around to believing 24 hour cycles were not believed to benefit the plants. Then many years ago they experimented and never had negative results and in some strains a increase in size. There is no evidence there is need for sleep. Look at the writings of Rosenthal and a few well known others. They all believe a 24 hour cycle can help. Last I myself do 24 hours first 3 weeks of a grow and then slowly move to 18/6. Just the way I have always done it.
No scientific reasearch? That is obserd. Isn't what we are doing here exactly that? Trial and error, then the abilty to reproduce the results. If not then why are you here? To learn from people who don't have any creditabilty? If you read George Van Pattens (George Cervantiz) book from the home garden network "Indoor Groweres Bible" you will learn that it is just a waste of energy, and production. It is as genetic as a babies reflex to suck. It is what it is. I have tried many things over the years. Every grow I change 1 or 2 things. Then if I am happy with the results I keep it, and if not I stop. I have tried a 24/0 cycle, 18/6 cycle and even a 12/6 cycle (short day plant cycle) And the truth is 18/6 was not only the best, but it is by leaps and bounds. I keep detailed daily logs of temps, humidity, PPM of nutes, PH, and height. Over 11 years things start to make sence, scientificly speaking of course.