Light movers?!?!


Are light movers worth the extra cost? I have a narrow closet 10'x2.5' and think my 600Watt HPS would be more effective if it moved over my ladies instead of me moving them around everyday to try and achieve maximum light coverage for optimum yield. Any suggestions on brands/setup and experience would be awesome! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
at the prices now for lights vs movers, get another light. much more benefit from twice the light than moving one.


I would but I already have 800 watts in lights alone in a 1 bd apartment not including fans, ac, etc. So i'm trying to maximize my harvest with what I have... Trust me if I thought I could get away with more watts it would be game on....


Well-Known Member
you can go more watts they can't get a warrant for high electric bill grow some balls your already braking the law mine as well make some chedder just keep your shit hush hush and sell to a good pusher/middle man one person only


Well-Known Member
I ran one 400W MH light on a light mover for years and yes they are well woth it. I was able to grow 16 plants is a row ( 8 on each side ) and had good yeild. Add an other light and your light bill will go up, not only that but you stand less of a chance of burning your plants since the light is never stationarry in one place. It's your choice, more lights or more efficentcy.


Well-Known Member
Light movers are awesome. You can get your light closer to the canopy which will then penetrate deeper and grow better buds further down the stems. With a mover the hot spot moves, which the plants like. The mover will eliminate many of the shadows and expose more of the plant to light energy. All this will cost you almost no more electricity than you use now. Multiple lights up the electric bill quickly. Light movers are awesome.


Well-Known Member
couldnt you just use some chains and a couple pulleys... be like 40 dollars tops