Light Mover Question


Active Member
I recently got a light mover , and am in the process of shortening its "stroke" so that is covers just my 3x3 table.

Will I really notice a difference with my 600 watt HPS? I could raise the light and give them less light for more time. Or lower it, on the light mover, and give them more light for less time.

Anyone have any experence with movers?


Well-Known Member
I plan to order a light mover soon, and plan to do just about the same thing, with my 4' x 4' area. It will maximize yield on the outer plants. I sounds like your setup would only require about 12-18" travel in each direction? Does that sound about right?


Well-Known Member
A 600W HPS is more than enough for a 3X3. You don't even need a mover. But, since you have it...

Just don't get closer than about 2' from the plant tops - you can have too much light.


Active Member
about 2 1/2' of travel should do it.

The idea is to hit them with strong light for some of the time. And give them a break when it moves. That way you can saturate the canopy with as much light as possible.


Well-Known Member
A light mover is meant to cover more area with less lights. You also get the advantage of better penetration due to the light hitting at infinite angles. Cannabis grows best at 2,500 - 5,000 lumens per square foot. More than that can damage the plants. To figure this, divide total lumens by the area of your canopy with the light in a fixed position.