light leaves, light veins, rusty , nitrogen def? I cant tell please help!


Alright i got 3 plants that are sick of my 4.

It seems all 3 may be slightly nitro def, it started at the bottom, and has worked up to about less then half the plant. I use GH nutes, on the blooming schedule right now, although i used less bloom and more grow last time for the nitrogen and it didnt help.

All plants are in 3 gallon pots, in a greenhouse outside.

They were started late, about mid june and was orginally an indoor grow that was meant to end quickly (small pots) but then things changed and out in my greenhouse they went. I was thinking possible rootbound, however I don't know if I should repot as they all have begun flowering.

I ph the water I give ever time to about 5.5-6

I checked the soil ph at the beginning when i started and it was around 7, however since i PHd to 5-6 everytime i figured it would correct, however i just checked and they are all still at 7.

The picture of the rust started on the top of one plants, and the other pictures of yellow/weird leeaves started from the bottom.

Any help is awesome THANKS!



What about the last picture? The green leaves beside it are healthy and this is def spreading... Anyone have any idea what this is? (pic 5)