Light leak


I just find out I have light leak. I'm into 2 1/2 week of flowering and no white pistil.i don't know if she is hermying on me or not. Can I still save it?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the light leak, it doesn't mean shit. Plants outside are exposed to streetlights, security lights, light from the moon etc. also from your pic I think I see a magnesium deficiency


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the light leak, it doesn't mean shit. Plants outside are exposed to streetlights, security lights, light from the moon etc. also from your pic I think I see a magnesium deficiency
I disagree. Why let a possible problem occur when it is pretty easy to stop a light leak. Why potentially stress your plant, create potential for a hermie, or possibly suffer reduced yield?

Fix the light leak, and all will be fine. You want it as dark as humanly possible.


Well-Known Member
By that logic all the plants outdoors would hermie since they are exposed to all the light sources and more that I listed during the night no?


Well-Known Member
The difference is the HUGE degree of light change from the bright ass sun to night time light out doors; the indoor grow does not have near that much light to begin with so any light leaks can be considered brighter than moonlight.

Your plant looks fine so far but yes fix the light leak. It can cause hermies, doesn't mean that it will in every case. Better safe than sorry.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
By that logic all the plants outdoors would hermie since they are exposed to all the light sources and more that I listed during the night no?
LOL, pseudo is correct!

I run some outdoor plants for my personal every year. I have a spot that gets exposure from an out door 250w cfl aprox. 35ft away as the crow flies.....If I don't shut it off in say early to mid flower.....I get extended finish times.....I have yet to see them "herm" from this light exposure....BTW, the plant is most effected by this "slowing of bloom or finish" on the side of the plant facing the light!

The moon does effect light exposure..

BUT - FIX the light leak! Less plant stress is very good!

Herming can be environmental over genetic for the most part.....But sure as hell there are weak and genetically prone to herming strains out there.....Light, heat, over/under feeding, etc. etc. (undue stress) and extended finish times promote "nanners"....
