Light Leak Issue!! Please Help


Active Member
So finally after a 9 month growing hiatus I'm back giving growing another go. I stopped last october after my crop was wiped out due to a week long power outage that swept through the Bay State, but figured hydro will have a much quicker and more fruitful turnaround. The only issue that I've run into is that my grow tent has some serious light leaks that I'd like to take care of before I flip the light schedule. Currently I'm growing in a Grow Lab tent and I've left one of the side flaps open as a passive intake, which is the source of the problem. Though I do have small 4" diameter intake fans I could install, either way I'm going to have light leak issues. Due to my small living space (3br apartment) that I share with my brother and a friend from school, I was forced to set up in my closet. The problem is that my closet is too small to completely encase my grow tent, so it sticks out of the closet a few inches. I covered the closet opening with a large tapestry, but it does next to nothing to stop light from leaking in. Is there any other solution anyone knows of that I can use besides keeping my room blacked out for 8 weeks?


take some cardboard and tape it up wherever the light is coming in?...there are ways to do this, if i could see a pic of your setup i could probably give you some step by step instructions if your really having trouble with this, best of luck


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I think I'm gonna duct tape some cardboard to encase part of one of the small intake fans and close up the passive intake flaps. I'll keep ya posted