Light leak in flower, im screwed and worried


Well-Known Member
So i go downstairs in the crawlspace today to put a heater down there cause we are in the midst of a cold snap, and i find a small little light leak, it was above where my hoods are at, there was no direct light to the plants themselves, and it still definatly wasnt enough light to see anything in the room, but im still extremly worried that my plants are going to hermie, this is 12 days into 12/12 and they still havent started to throw buds but it is pre flowering... any info on personal expieriences please let me know what to expect...


Well-Known Member
how long ago did you recover have you seen any problems come up from this happening? I just hope mine dont turn hermie, i dont care if it delays the flowering process


Well-Known Member
hmmm... Technically, wouldn't this fall under a regeneration point of view...? Since the light interrupts the flowering process, as far as we know, why not just switch back to 18/6? A week later, switch back to 12/12. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
you say minor and you still cannot see anything i would bet you are all set full moon is bright i would seal it up and let them gro all plants are different as far as when they are going to throw buds you should be all set\


Well-Known Member
yah well i can defintly say it wasnt as bright as moon light thats for sure, you make me feel better now, it definatly wasnt bad at all, but was still there ya know...


Well-Known Member
after your eyes adjust to the dark. if its light enough where u can see ur hand in front of your face, its to bright.


Well-Known Member
i didnt sit and wait for my eyes to adjust i was in there for maybe a minute and a half, but i couldnt see much, of course right where the light was coming in at, could see if i put my hand up there but not in the general room area, so say that the plants do recognize the light, will it just start flowering right now, like it still thought it was in veg before i patched up the light leak, or will this cause problems such as hermie or somethin


New Member
You have to realize in a natural habitat it would be IMPOSSIBLE to have it completely dark. I wouldn't freak out too bad, if it was a very small leak.


Well-Known Member
You also need to realise some of these plants have been bred to flower in 12h of almost perfect dark so genetically they will differ from plants in "natural habitat"

I personally would say an outdoor strain is less likely to hermie than an indoor bred strain.


New Member
true, but they haven't even been in flower for two weeks, and he corrected the problem pretty fast. As well as stating it was a very minor light leak. I think you should be good. Obviously if it keeps happening your going to have a problem.


Well-Known Member
My plant is in flowering 12/12. occasionally at night after the timer has gone off the closet gets opened and exposed to the light of my room. Is this bad if it happens no more then 5 minutes in a night. or occasionally for a minute. is this too much? or nothing to worry about?


Well-Known Member
A small light leak that doesn't hit the plants and isn't bright enough to see anything--really you're fine. The outdoors are not always perfectly pitch black. Even if you take a "predominately indoor strain", "indoor strains" can be grown outdoors without perfect darkness w.o herming. Everyone freaks out about a plant turning hermie, but honestly- these little little things will only herm a tiny tiny % of plants...


Well-Known Member
Had a few scares like this and all my plants are 100% fem right now. THis is the 4th week of flowering too so you're plants will be fine.


Well-Known Member
i really appreciate all the feedback, thanks guys have a good night, My crop is getting close im getting excited... also just got some satori and hashberry seads planted and got some marivalle blueberry and some sweet tooth coming