Light Green Spots??


I'm having a small problem with light green spots and maybe even stunted growth any ideas of what this could be caused from? Thanks!



Active Member
The picture is pretty small, I don't see anything bad really going on. If the green is just getting lighting, moving toward yellowing, it could be early nitrogen deficiency, very common for such an early lady. The pattern does seem a little irregular though, do you use any kind of foliar spraying?


Active Member
Ok sounds like ur spraying ur plants then puting them back under the light well the water on the leafs are acting Like a magnifying glass that. Could be we're ur light green spots are coming from , try spraying them after ur light gos out see if that helps...


Well-Known Member
It spreads if there are insects, even house flies can land on an infected plant and spread it to a healthy plant, humans do it too by touching foliage. Viruses like in people cannot be cured in plants. The thing I found out is this virus starts out strong and gets weaker as the plant gets bigger and stronger, I would recommend a longer veg period, cut off infected leaves and leave the newer more vibrant leaves, also move the light back a bit, the chlorophyll that is affected can't handle too much intense light, that's why the blotches appear to be bleached.