light green leaves and a tad bit of curl


Active Member
hey guys, since my last issue my plants seem to be doing well. they are growing taller and getting more leaves, but had a minor issue I hoped you guys could help me with. Some of the leaves are turning a tad bit light green with burnt tips (very small). some are curling as well. I've included pictures. any help with this would be absolutely fantastic.

i'm running a drip hydroponic setup. currently plants are about 5 weeks old in the vegatative stage. i'm using GH flora nova grow nutes. let me know if you need more/better pictures and/or more information.

all in all i'm feeling good about my plants...just want to keep them on the right track. i'm really impressed with the way they bounced back once i fixed my initial issues.




Active Member
no responses...oh well. i just let them go. since i changed the type of water i was using in my system the plants seem to be doing a lot better. most of them are over 18 inches now and i just started a batch of clones to see if they are male or female. i've got 7 plants right now...and a total of 21 clones (3 clones from each plant). in about 2 weeks i'm planning on flowering 1 clone of each mother plant to determine sex. i'll be happy if i get 9 female clones...and if i get 9 female clones then i'll prolly let them get over 1 ft before i flower...if i get more than 9 females clones i'll prolly start flowering before they get that big. we'll see

when i start my second batch is when it's going to get harder as i only have 2 stages set up (flowering and veg). i dont have enough room in my veg area for mother plants and clones! i guess i'll put more money into this system. i'd love to be able to harvest something every 2 months!


Could be a slight def. or a PH issue, get a PH meter if you don't have one for $23 off eBay and check it every other day and adjust, different strains like different ranges but I'd say 5.8-6.2ish.

no responses...oh well. i just let them go. since i changed the type of water i was using in my system the plants seem to be doing a lot better. most of them are over 18 inches now and i just started a batch of clones to see if they are male or female. i've got 7 plants right now...and a total of 21 clones (3 clones from each plant). in about 2 weeks i'm planning on flowering 1 clone of each mother plant to determine sex. i'll be happy if i get 9 female clones...and if i get 9 female clones then i'll prolly let them get over 1 ft before i flower...if i get more than 9 females clones i'll prolly start flowering before they get that big. we'll see

when i start my second batch is when it's going to get harder as i only have 2 stages set up (flowering and veg). i dont have enough room in my veg area for mother plants and clones! i guess i'll put more money into this system. i'd love to be able to harvest something every 2 months!


Active Member
thanks for the reply! i have a pH meter. bout a month ago my pH was jumping from 5.5 to 7.5 in 12 hours. i was using cheap "purified" water. I switched to distilled and it works a lot better! pH will be around 5.8 and in 2 days it will jump to 6.3...not bad at all!