Light green around edges of leaves?


Active Member
What could be the cause of this? I couldnt find a picture that shows this problem.

The plant has a very dark green looking color other than the very edges of the leaves which has a completely different, light color. It does not gradualy fade to a new color (like in this pic: ), it's nothing like that. It almost looks like it's painted on because the line between dark green and very light green is so harsh.

It's just the top half of the plant where the leaves are this way..

It's a bit over 3 weeks (from seed) in soil. 1200w HPS. I feed them with Hesi TNT Complex and SuperVit (slightly less than recommended dosage)

I guess flushing it couldnt hurt.. but would be good to know if it's a defiency or burn. I've had this before a few times, never seen an explanation for it.



Active Member
You think so? The dark green color, wouldnt that mean it has plenty of N? I have a few other plants which i believe is getting to this stadium too, the tip of their leaves are light green or yellow, the very tip, not a fade to yellow.


Active Member
No one?

The strain is Bubblegum (can't remember from where). It seems like it starts with the tips going light green, then it spreads around the whole leaf.

Here's an image:

Flush or feed? :)


Active Member
If the veins stay green and the rest is yellow then its mag. Sulfur can do something similar but is immobile and shows in new growth and w sulfur its all yellow/white. Feed for sure just cal/mag for now then every time after when u feed add some to the soup.


Well-Known Member
This is almost certainly NOT a cal/mag deficiency, and N (Nitrogen) deficiencies show up at the bottom of the plant, not the top.

Looks a bit like burn. What's your pH?



Active Member
This is almost certainly NOT a cal/mag deficiency, and N (Nitrogen) deficiencies show up at the bottom of the plant, not the top.

Looks a bit like burn. What's your pH?

No idea about PH.. I guess i'll flush it and see what happens.



Active Member
It's actually more like a lime green-almost-yellow color, but some of the tips on some of the other plants are really bright yellow, it's just a very tiny portion of the tip of the leaves though, no gradual fading to yellow.

I don't have ANY rust/brown/dark spots (which often indicates burn).

Any more ideas? :)

Many thanks