Light for pre veg


From what I understand it the phase between germinating your seeds and starting to veg. From what I've read you should use a t5 because your normal 600-1000w hps or mh is to strong


Well-Known Member
I wonder how seeds germinate in nature...What do they use to pre-veg before using sunight?

I'm just being a dick. Yeah, t-5's, CFL's, even old school t-8's if you're worried that your HID environment is too harsh for babies.


Well-Known Member
I pop seeds under my 1000w all the time with no problems. The shock happens when you take a seedling born under a t5 and suddenly stick it under the 1000w. Using a cfl, t5' etc is way more efficient energy use unless you have plants vegging under the MH already.

I use 4 inch pots of my own soil to germinate and grow in to start.


Well-Known Member
Same as veg, just not as intense. They can't handle as intense of light until they have a decent root system, shoot for something like 75% the intensity of veg lighting.


Well-Known Member
I use 3x18 watt T8 for "preveg". Keeps them tight and provides plenty of light for small plants for the first 7-10 days or so. I also use those for rooting and keeping clones.

I've 'vegged' with them too long ago:

Nowadays move them (to a 400w hps first), usually around 4th node.
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