light fell on plant

ok i need the other day a lamp fell on my 2 week old. it completely just fell over i kinda just picced it up n pushed some soil around it n it stands. this happened like 3 days ago and its all droopin n shrivelling up is it gonna die???


Well-Known Member
Should be ok, just put something next to it to brace it and it should grow strong. be gentle when watering.
i was thinking of that but i didnt wanna risk fuccin it up more n end up stabbin one of the roots lolz if i let it regain health instead wont it be stronger?
i put a fan medium speed about 5-7 feet away from my plant i left it alone for abou 1 hour, came back and it was drooped over on the ground. its didnt snap as far as i know, can it be saved