Light fell on my plant, will it recover? (+Bag seed strain/sativa?)

Hello, i have a sprout of lowryder #2 and i walked into my stealth grow this morning and the light had fell onto the plant and destroyed it. I only started growing recently, and havent even harvested my first plant yet (dinafem blue widow). Here are pics of my lowryder (and a few of my others to show off my others a bit at the end)


So, those two above is my lowryder. I am unsure whether i need to just leave it and let it heal on it own, cut off the broken bit and let it "start again" (seeing as its just a baby, it might be able to recover?) or just get rid of it, wihch would suck because it cost me almost £10 and im on a very small budget...


Those three are just my other plants, my random bag seed and my dinafem blue widow!! blue widow is my first grow ever and hopefully ill be able to harvest in a week or 2 (that pic is a week old). and my bag seed is my 2nd plant ever. Out of curisity, does anyone know what strain that bag seed might be? The leaves are getting longer and thiner so i think it might be a sativa.. i really hope its a sativa because im sick of getting indicas ALL the time of my pot dealer.


Well-Known Member
just leave the seedling alone, if the stem is broken try and use a small piece of tape to temporarily tape it, dont leave the tape on there too long though because it will cut into the plant as the stem grows bigger in girth.

definatly dont cut anything off, if you cut all the leaves off it will die, seedlings are born with leaves and need them in order to grow.


Well-Known Member
oh and some clearer pics of the seedlings would be great, with the pics you have up its hard to detirmine what the extent of the damage is
i dont think i can tape it, you cant really see in the photo because of my camera, but the part that is broken is VERY thin, ill try to prop it up with something though. thanks though. I was very close to just cutting it and leaving it, but decided to ask instead...



Well-Known Member
oih and can anyone help identify that bag strain?
There's almost no way to tell the strain from a picture. Especially of a plant in veg. If it were flowering, you MIGHT be able to narrow it down, but there are so many strains that appear similar.............:-|


Well-Known Member
Unless you know the strain and it is yours of I can pick my original 4 strains out of a line up, veg, flower, whatever...but I have gotten to know those strains...I know their color, their leaf pattern, their growth on and so forth...


Active Member
try splitting a small piece of a straw just to prop it up should be able to take it off in a few days
i dont think i can tape it, you cant really see in the photo because of my camera, but the part that is broken is VERY thin, ill try to prop it up with something though. thanks though. I was very close to just cutting it and leaving it, but decided to ask instead...
