Light escaping room

So I am currently in the process of a closet grow in my bedroom. I normally keep the closet doors open while my daylight cycle is in process and close them during the night cycle.

But I always leave the bedroom door closed all day. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep light from seeping through the cracks of my bedroom door during the day. I've thought about using a heavy blanket to hang over it but that makes it too difficult to come and go.

I live with a roommate and he doesn't know that I grow and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm pretty sure he would not like the idea of me growing which is why I need to keep this operation in ninja mode.
The white light from my metal halide is extremely bright. I'm just curious if anyone else has had this problem and if so what they have done to defeat it.


Well-Known Member
I got some foam (green) and cut a piece lengthwise to fit the door width and stapled it onto the area light was leaking. Problem solved. Can get it at any linen type store
Could you put them in a grow tent in your closet? I know it's added expense but........

I would if i could. currently money is very tight atm that is out of the question for the moment. I would consider closing the doors on the closet but it gets way too hot. And there is no other way to exhaust the heat than to keep the doors open.
I got some foam (green) and cut a piece lengthwise to fit the door width and stapled it onto the area light was leaking. Problem solved. Can get it at any linen type store
I'm kinda confused regarding your solution. Could you please explain in a little more detail?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Could you put them in a grow tent in your closet? I know it's added expense but........

I would if i could. currently money is very tight atm that is out of the question for the moment. I would consider closing the doors on the closet but it gets way too hot. And there is no other way to exhaust the heat than to keep the doors open.
Yeah that is why I asked if you could. It was such an obvious thing I figured you'd already thought about it and ruled it out. Sounds like bigbillyrocka has a decent solution for you.


Well-Known Member
Get some furniture grade foam. Can get it at any store that sales clothes linens. Craft stores have it as well. Cut it in a 4 inch by however many inches wide your door is and staple it. Mine leaked from the bottom so that's the method I used.
It leaks from all 4 sides of the door. It might work for 3 sides but the side where there are hinges I don't see it working because it would break when i open the door.


Active Member
So I am currently in the process of a closet grow in my bedroom. I normally keep the closet doors open while my daylight cycle is in process and close them during the night cycle.

But I always leave the bedroom door closed all day. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep light from seeping through the cracks of my bedroom door during the day. I've thought about using a heavy blanket to hang over it but that makes it too difficult to come and go.

I live with a roommate and he doesn't know that I grow and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm pretty sure he would not like the idea of me growing which is why I need to keep this operation in ninja mode.
The white light from my metal halide is extremely bright. I'm just curious if anyone else has had this problem and if so what they have done to defeat it.
Weather stripping from Home Depot. Cheap as dirt and works like a charm. You can put it on all four sides of the door or door jam. You may have to push a bit to get the door to closed all the way. On the hinge side I recommend putting it on the door itself but against the small side that actually butts up against the "wall" of the door know...the part of the door that would break your finger if you were to have your fingers in the crack of the hinge area..Here's a link:
Weather stripping from Home Depot. Cheap as dirt and works like a charm. You can put it on all four sides of the door or door jam. You may have to push a bit to get the door to closed all the way. On the hinge side I recommend putting it on the door itself but against the small side that actually butts up against the "wall" of the door know...the part of the door that would break your finger if you were to have your fingers in the crack of the hinge area..Here's a link:
I do like that idea because its practically invisible when the door is closed. Thanks for the suggestion


New Member
Weather stripping from Home Depot. Cheap as dirt and works like a charm. You can put it on all four sides of the door or door jam. You may have to push a bit to get the door to closed all the way. On the hinge side I recommend putting it on the door itself but against the small side that actually butts up against the "wall" of the door know...the part of the door that would break your finger if you were to have your fingers in the crack of the hinge area..Here's a link:

great advice bro