light distance

Yes Sir

Active Member
Sorry guys i know this question has been answered before but my search function will not work. Is the only reason we keep the lights on hid's at about 12"(400w) because there is generally a lot of heat built up there. My plants due to hight restraints are about 5 inches from the lights. I bent and trained the plants as far as they will go with out snapping the branches. the canopy is avery even profile and almost all major bud sites are between 5-12 inches due to bending. My temps 5 inches from the light is 78 degrees. Is there any reason that its not good to have them this close to the light. plants are 5 weeks into flowering.
all opinions welcomed. thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
if its not too hot i don't see why you would want to move the light away.....just stick your hand over the canopy of your plant for a min and if its too hot for your hand its too hot for the plant

Yes Sir

Active Member
I have a therm. at the tops of my plants and the temps about 78-80. Ive heard some people on this forum talk about the light intensity recieved to plants towards the end of flowering influence there finishing date, due to too high intensity light at a close distance. any truth to this?