light distance from clones

professor greenfist

Active Member
I was just wondering what distance my clones should be from my t12 shoplight I have some in dwc cloners and seems to me the ones in the cloner do great no quoting or any problems soil has brought as far a cloning is involved

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
My T12's at just a half inch above the top of my 6" humidity dome. Clones show roots in rapid rooters in 7 to 10 days.


Well-Known Member
truedat... CFL's and T-5's, -8's, and even old-school -12's dont get THAT hot, with a lil airflow, u should be fine with em real close to the seedling canopy, like PJ Diaz says... The high output, or extra high output T5's r really nice, if u ever get a chance to get a good 8-10 lamp 2' X 4' fixture, for a table for seedlings, young plants, and even early vegging plants or mothers... But, nothing trumps MH and HPS and these new super badass 800W LED Solar Storm lights, though...