And thanks, i like em so far. Another fun thing which i will start chronjcling soon is the volunteer breeding program.
last year the girl here had random seed plant go male and her help wasnt watching. long story short. one or two of her plants got seeded. some of the seeds found their way into the dirt (which is shit, desert hardpan) near the waste dirt pile. they grew up strong. three of them. all female. No at the same time, she left a bunch of this same pot here for smokin because of the seeds. it was just sitting on a drying tray in the drying room, but it stil tasted great . more importantly, it worked great too. so i saved the seeds, and have just gotten eight to germinate. (one died when my ghetto ass light box collapsed) i also took clones off of my three volunteers. In addition to this light dep project, i hope to back cross one of these seed plants with the strongest mother clone and strongest female seed plant. Essentally creating my own custom strain, tempered by the extremes here. SO, THAT SHOULD BE FUN TOO!!!Hopefully be getting some pictures up soon.