Light Cycles


Active Member
Ok, ya gotta understand that my ladies have had one hell of a fucked up life. Now since cannabis is a survivable annual, I know I can bring it back into its veg state and start the whole cycle from the beginning again. This is my first grow, and the we don't have the proper lights to keep them indoors so we've been having to bus em out to the roof every morning and back in at night. We're about to get a 1000 Wt HPS box w/fan and all that shit, when we switch em to the full indoor light how do i know when to take them from 24/0 to 18/6? Is that a personal call unless you're actually following the natural grow cycle?


Well-Known Member
First off, I'm no expert but there was a thread recently that discussed this subject. I think the consensus was that 24/0 isn't the ideal for the plants but 18/6 was. Someone had posted some data showing a link between 24/0 and male or hermie plants. I would gradually reduce the time by an hour each day until you get down to 18/6. Don't just rely on what I'm posting though, I would research a bit more if I were you. Good luck.


Active Member
from what ive been reading as well, many people seem to feel that since 24/0 is so unnatural it is not the best lighting schedule. i myself had my lights going for 24/0 up until a few minutes ago when i installed the timer i had. this is my first grow, and its been 2 weeks of straight 24/0 but now im switching to 18/6. i read many places on here that giving the plant some dark will produce a better stem and give a better chance for the plant to be a female, so i figured it couldnt hurt. hope all goes well with your lights.