Light Cycles, Please Help!

Ok, so my problem is this-

I have one grow room, and I cannot really divide it, and I cannot create another room, so I have to veg and flower all in one space. Now I really want to do a perpetual grow, but I'm afraid this won't be possible...

I can do 12/12 all the time, but won't that stop my plants from having any good veg growth? and I'm assuming on 12/12 from seed I can't ever clone, which is very important to me. I know I've heard of people harvesting then re-vegging, but I'm assuming it has a low success rate, not to mention the stress on the plants can't be good...

So what are my options in this scenario, for doing some kind of perpetual grow?

The only thing I can do to possibly keep a single mother in veg permanently/separately is maybe convert an old entertainment stand I have into a small grow box, but I'm limited on supplies for that, and space to put it outside my current setup. Stealth is not a massive concern, but enough of one that I can't really spread out from my single room any, and I'm afraid to compromise my 6'x6'x'5' space by wedging a roughly 4'x2' wide cabinet in there...



Well-Known Member
jesus christ thats a ton of questions.

Not sure what to tell ya, since I don't have a perpetual garden.

But, I can tell you this much... once you begin the sexing cycle (as soon as you switch over the lights to 12/12) it takes anywhere from one to three weeks (usually, sometimes longer depending on other variables) for the plant to show its true sex. Once the plant shows its true sex (once it shows either pistils or pollen sacks) this is when the plant is actually flowering. Many people get it confused... as they'll sometimes count the first day of 12/12 as being the first day of flowering.. but its really not. It's actually the start of the sexing cycle.. which will eventually trigger the flowering hormone in the plant, thus beginning the actual flowering cycle.

So, to answer your question... the answer is yes.. once you flip your plants over to 12/12.. it will still kinda be in 'veg mode' up until it show its true sex.. which like I said.. that is the point where the plant switches over from veg mode.. and into the flowering mode.. due to the 'flowering hormone' kicking in gear.

Hopefully that helped you out.. if not, well.. I'm sorry.

Good luck.

Ok, so my problem is this-

I have one grow room, and I cannot really divide it, and I cannot create another room, so I have to veg and flower all in one space. Now I really want to do a perpetual grow, but I'm afraid this won't be possible...

I can do 12/12 all the time, but won't that stop my plants from having any good veg growth? and I'm assuming on 12/12 from seed I can't ever clone, which is very important to me. I know I've heard of people harvesting then re-vegging, but I'm assuming it has a low success rate, not to mention the stress on the plants can't be good...

So what are my options in this scenario, for doing some kind of perpetual grow?

The only thing I can do to possibly keep a single mother in veg permanently/separately is maybe convert an old entertainment stand I have into a small grow box, but I'm limited on supplies for that, and space to put it outside my current setup. Stealth is not a massive concern, but enough of one that I can't really spread out from my single room any, and I'm afraid to compromise my 6'x6'x'5' space by wedging a roughly 4'x2' wide cabinet in there...

i hung some Panda film and cut my room in half, one for veg adn the other for flower.

Not sure about harvesting then vegging that sounds like a waste of time and effort.

If you cant find a spot then you cant do a perp. grow.


New Member
your goin to have to down size period in order to do this why can you not have a seperate rooms for veg n cloneing
Well I can't have separate rooms in separate places I meant. I can divide the space I already have, but that means cutting my lights in half, putting up some kinda dividing wall, light-proofing that, and having separate ventilation for each room.

Now I'd rather do something well, and not have it be exactly my original plan, than try to do too much, overextend my resources, and end up with nothing. So I guess the perpetual grow is off the table for the moment, until I can realistically split my room up, or make that cabinet for mothers.

For now, I think I'll just get my plants to the point where I know the sexes, clone the healthiest females, and I can probably work something up to grow the clones in while I flower the rest, then once I harvest, the clones can take over the main space, veg, be cloned, flower, rinse, repeat....this is possible, correct?

I can easily make a small box to hold 4-6 clones, coupla lights, fan, lightproof it, and stick it in a corner of my current room. Since the clones are small, I'd feel a lot better about having them in the cabinet than mothers I'd need to take cuttings from...


New Member
never understood why people keep mothers other then makin mass amount of clones once you got decent plants week before goin into flower clone alot and as your girls flower wirk on clones to get ready for next grow if you had T5's could transplant clones into something bigger then what there in give light nutes go to 18 /6 lighting and veg them as you flower once your done flowering clean your room and start transplanting your clones by this time your clones will be well on there way as well less time for veggin next time around and so on and so on lol
What you're describing is exactly what I'm going to do I think, so thank you for reassuring me it's doable.

I just took a good, long look at my entertainment stand, and it'll be perfect for a clone cabinet. I can paint the interior and exterior white, leave two shelves in, 2 sets of dual 100w CFLs, put a vent on top back and bottom front, lightproof, set a fan on top, connected to one of the vents to pull air out, and wedge the whole thing in one corner of my existing room.

I figure with this setup I can fit up to 12 clones at a time, let them grow for the same amount of time it takes their mothers to recover, flower, and be harvested, and boom, swap em out and start again.

All I really even need to purchase to accomplish all this is one more light splitter, two more 100w CFLS, small fan, and one more light timer, since my others are all on a timed strip now.

As long as this will work, I'm gonna go ahead with the clone cab idea.


Well-Known Member
So what are my options in this scenario, for doing some kind of perpetual grow?
What is the area of your space that you are vegging/flowering in? It's easy to build a box out of PVC pipe & panda film for vegging or even a big ole card board box with some small PC fans mounted inside of it. You can also use a converted dresser with the innards removed and lights setup inside.

I'm afraid to compromise my 6'x6'x'5' space by wedging a roughly 4'x2' wide cabinet in there...
You can wedge a single piece of particle board w/panda film, black/white poly, or even flat white paint in there to divide the 2 spaces in half or roll forward on your concept of the 4x2 cabinet. Do you have a crawlspace or attic to possibly veg a plant in?


New Member
you dont even need to go that extreme with fans etc your goin to clone and have them in domes once rooted transplant them into 4" go to 18/ 6 or even leave on 24 hr light cycle as for air just open the cabinett every so often and you will do fine
Thanks for the feedback guys, this has really turned a situation I was stressing over into simply a small project that can easily be done by the time my plants will be ready to clone.

As a side note, someone asked about an attic....we do have one, and I actually thought about going up there today to look for scrap furniture parts, fans, etc, but as soon as I opened the crawlspace I heard more bats than I've ever encountered in my life....and while I'm not afraid of bats, I prefer to deal with them one at a time, and it sounded like an army...

@DrFever- Cool, so I'll maybe just run the setup with the lights on a bit and see how temp does, and only add vents/ fans if necessary. Thanks again for your very helpful comments, +rep.


jesus christ thats a ton of questions.

Not sure what to tell ya, since I don't have a perpetual garden.

But, I can tell you this much... once you begin the sexing cycle (as soon as you switch over the lights to 12/12) it takes anywhere from one to three weeks (usually, sometimes longer depending on other variables) for the plant to show its true sex. Once the plant shows its true sex (once it shows either pistils or pollen sacks) this is when the plant is actually flowering. Many people get it confused... as they'll sometimes count the first day of 12/12 as being the first day of flowering.. but its really not. It's actually the start of the sexing cycle.. which will eventually trigger the flowering hormone in the plant, thus beginning the actual flowering cycle.

So, to answer your question... the answer is yes.. once you flip your plants over to 12/12.. it will still kinda be in 'veg mode' up until it show its true sex.. which like I said.. that is the point where the plant switches over from veg mode.. and into the flowering mode.. due to the 'flowering hormone' kicking in gear.

Hopefully that helped you out.. if not, well.. I'm sorry.

Good luck.


That's the best info I think I've ever heard... Great stuff to know!! I like it when shit's explained like that. Thanks for that man!! I just started flowering... well no not really. They've been on 12/12 for about two weeks and I still see no sex. I thought they were in the flowering stage. I was getting all excited thinking to myself, "I think I see buds". How wrong was I...?
I'm at a point now where I'm trying to balance my need to hurry and get this box done before my second set of seeds sprout, and my need to see those damn seeds sprout and reassure me that I didn't kill anything planting.

Also, it's too late at night for me to go hammering and banging away on a project, but I really want to get it done and painted soon, because I think the cab will be better to start all my seeds in, not just future clones.

I wanted to make sure i germed enough to have a few females that survive all the way to flower, but now I have like 16 on 2nd day in dirt, all sprouted in paper towel method, and another 20 or so in glasses of water...I did those as an experiment/backup, not expecting them all to sprout, which last time I checked, they almost had all I gotta get crackin on making them a home, lol.
Ok, I know no one is following this yet due to the lack of pics, but I'm working on that, have a great camera, missing part of the charger...

Anyway, cabinet is nearly done, all painted and drying now. Once that's dry, gonna pop in a shelf, mount the lights, run it a bit and see the temp/humidity, then as soon as it's ready, I have 31 solo cups going in there...the first 13 or so should break dirt by tomorrow, almost peeking already. Doing so many because it's all bagseed, so I gotta assume alot are gonna be hermie or male, and I'm sure I'll kill a few besides, so I plan on getting 6-8 good fems outta this if I can.

Anybody out there have any luck with bagseed grows? I'm not seriously expecting a major crop or anything, this is just to teach me the basics and see if I can maybe find some hidden gem strains in there so I don't have to buy seeds if I don't have to... Anyone ever have anything nice pop up from mystery beans?

Mine range from some medical that I was shocked to find seeds in, to mostly garbage, but half the time I think garbage and mids could have been decent strains that just never got taken care of, harvested, or cured correctly, like ppl growing mass amounts of plants together, any gender, and just harvesting and selling the whole crop.