light cycle


Active Member
hey whats up got some plants that are only like a week and a half old and have been running 24/0 when can i switch to 18/6 and then to 12/12 i want them to be kinda smaller as my room isnt huge thanks.


New Member
switch to 18/6 whenever you want and then vegg them untill you want to go 12/12.
i personally dont believe in 24/0.
i always run 18/6 (vegg).
and 12/12 (flowering).


Well-Known Member
if u been doing 24/0 then stick wit that and if u wanna switch do 18hrs and get a snake light with uvb at 270-310 nm it will stop ur plant from flowering early, kill diseases all that...if u look it up uvb is key to growing bomb weed the best weed comes from countries with the highest amount of uvb, look it up...YOUTUBE its called thc,uvb and me ..that dude knows his shit to


Active Member
I read in Marijuana Horticulture that the longer you have the lights on the more it influences male growth. idk if thats true or not, but thats what the book says. if anyone knows anything about that let me know.


Active Member
i put my seeds right under light after they germ but befor a sprout. so i should be doing 18/6 right away? any dis/advantges??


Well-Known Member
if you can I would try to keep it as long as you can and try to get as mant tops as you can to get higher yeild for a smaller space


Active Member
Okay, I'm going to work on a few quotes here.

---"I read in marijuana Horticulture that the longer you have the lights on the more it influences male growth. idk if thats true or not, but thats what the book says. if anyone knows anything about that let me know. --"

For one, you need to remember that plants are alive, they follow the same basic rules that humans do. From the moment of conception, the plant either has XY chromosome's or XX chromosomes. This predetermines the sex of the plant at birth. Or basically, every seed has a predetermined sex regardless of any exterior conditions.

--"i put my seeds right under light after they germ but befor a sprout. so i should be doing 18/6 right away? any dis/advantges?? --"

I'm not sure if theres any disadvantages of applying light to a seed that has not yet to sprout. I would imagine that this does not cause any harm as long as planted within soil. As seeds naturally receive light from the sun when they're embedded in soil, or even on the surface. This may or may not encourage growth. This one is definitely open for debate. But for the light cycle, I can say for certainty, that you need to run on a 18/6 light cycle. The reason why you need to run on this cycle, is that the plant builds up an excess of CO2 molecules within the plant leaves. And it is scientifically proven that doering the ninth cycle plants transfer this excess CO2 through the roots and expel it. This is a crucial stage of light and dark cycles. This plan has evolved on this earth for millions of years, and it has evolved with the light cycle of 18/6. So how are we to dispute natures natural course. The point of growing indoors, is to simulate outdoor growing conditions. So the answer is quite obvious, use the proper light cycles! Don't use 24/0 life cycles, as this will apply unnecessary and unnatural stress on the plant.


New Member
seeds only germinate in the dark.
once they are germinated/sprouted then they get light and not before.


Well-Known Member
seeds only germinate in the dark.
once they are germinated/sprouted then they get light and not before.
actuly I hate to tell you but I started to germinate the seeds I bought and they were exposed to some light most of the time and already I have over 10 seeds that cracked open and have a tap root showing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
For one, you need to remember that plants are alive, they follow the same basic rules that humans do. From the moment of conception, the plant either has XY chromosome's or XX chromosomes. This predetermines the sex of the plant at birth. Or basically, every seed has a predetermined sex regardless of any exterior conditions.
While this is a nice thought, these rules are FAR from basic. Though many scientists believe xx/xy is the type of system responsible for sex determination in marijuana, many others still disagree. One thing is for certain: sex in Cannabis is strongly influenced by environmental factors. This is the case with MANY genetic charactoristics in all species.


Active Member
If I may ask something on this thread? So what things do people feel may influence the sex of seedlings? Is it giving more light hours or placing light as close as is possible with type of light used to get max lumens on seedlings. I was reading something like this somewhere, would love to hear feed back, we would all like as many females as poss right!


Active Member
ya you do want as many little girls as possible and if you do have males take them out they pollinate females making them have seeds or worse turn hermy and be cover in seeds. as for conditions and light determing sex im not sure thats a great question.


New Member
actuly I hate to tell you but I started to germinate the seeds I bought and they were exposed to some light most of the time and already I have over 10 seeds that cracked open and have a tap root showing :mrgreen:

how did you germinate them?????????.

Originally Posted by Sampson jr III
when theyre in the pellets they can germinate under the light....keep the green house lid on if so!.bongsmilie

yes but there still in the dark planted in the jiffy(under soil) and yes keep the plastic cover on but just cover the plastic lid with a piece of card or something just to prevent any light leakage untill the seeds sprout then off with the cover and full light.
i just put my prop in a dark drawer 21*-23* and 70-85hrs they sprout and then i just put them under the light then.
all methods will work done correctly but seeds need dark to germinate.
wrapped in a paper towel(dark).
soaked in water in a jar in a cupboard(dark).
or planted straight into soil and covered over(dark).
burried in a jiffy(dark).