Light cycle question?


New Member
I was wondering if it would hurt my week old plant to put him in natural light for 12 hours, and then put him inside in a dark room for 12.


Well-Known Member
Well, it will likely cause some stress. Best thing to do is 'harden off'... put it in an area with mostly shade/some sun with low wind for at least the first few days, then slowly introduce into full sunlight for the last part of the week, then she'll be fine with direct sunlight.



Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it would hurt my week old plant to put him in natural light for 12 hours, and then put him inside in a dark room for 12.
I don't see why you'd have any problems. Cannabis loves direct sunlight.
If your leaves get to much light they will start folding up along the mid-rib of the leaf.
This response reduces the surface area of the leaf, and that's nothing to worry about.

Are you flowering or sexing?


Well-Known Member
:peace:Plants grow relative to the amount of light they receive. You want a small plant that will bloom way too early, keep doing what you are doing. I you want a decent sized plant, use some CFL's at least, and give it 18-24 hours of light. The plant will be better off if you do.:peace: