light cycle question???

mr. mad max

Active Member
ok well i have four white widow's and they seem to be growing well but i feel like they should be a little bigger after 2 1/2 weeks they are about 5 inches. i have them under 24 hour light but i keep hearing that the best light cycle is 18 on and 6 off because they recover in the dark and thats when they really grow is that true or is 24/24 the best way and the quickest way for growth thank you


Active Member
I personally use the 18/6 method. I hear the 24 hour a day light tends to be better for clones, if my memory serves me. And as for the size, where did you get the seeds?

Darkness does affect the plant tremendously.

Learning that cannabis is photosensitive is one of the first lessons any grower will learn. Keeping a plant under light for a minimum of 18 hours per day will force it to remain in vegetative state; it will only grow stems and leaves. Keeping the light on 24 hours per day is the most productive schedule. Some once thought a down period is best, but studies show the opposite. This period of growth mimcs early spring and the plant responds by growing the foundation necessary for a heavy flowering.
When it comes to forcing the plant to flower, the light schedule must be changed to a 12 hours on, 12 hours off regimen. It was once thought that slowly shifting the schedule to 12/12 was the best idea. One day of 16/8, 14/10, then finally 12/12. I guess the thought here was that suddenly changing to 12/12 can be a bit of a shock and slowly adjusting the schedule is easier on the plant.
Newer knowledge and practices suggest something quite different. One must first understand how cannabis’s hormonal system works before they can understand why a prolonged dark period between veg and flower will jump start the process. When the plant encounters darkness it releases hormones to signal that the flowering period is beginning. It takes a few consecutive nights of darkness before the plant realizes the pattern and the process actually begins.
By turning off the light for up to 36 hours after veg and right before you start your 12/12, you assure the plant hormonally that flowering is occurring and it will release more than enough “triggers” to start flowering a day or two early.
While some think that this shocks this plant, its totally the opposite. The only thing that occurs differently is that you’ll see flowers appearing earlier than if you did it the traditional way. Save a few days at the beginning and you can start your next cycle that much sooner. Who wouldn’t want that?


Well-Known Member
ok well i have four white widow's and they seem to be growing well but i feel like they should be a little bigger after 2 1/2 weeks they are about 5 inches. i have them under 24 hour light but i keep hearing that the best light cycle is 18 on and 6 off because they recover in the dark and thats when they really grow is that true or is 24/24 the best way and the quickest way for growth thank you
this is true as far as imconcerned when i change from 24 hours to 18/6 or 16/8 my girls seem to get a lot taller thats why i only do 24 now for the first week of sedling then go 18/6 for two weeks then 16/8 for one then 14/10 for 1 then 36 hours dark before 12/12 unless you wish to veg longer them you cand stagger it how you please works for me..lets get some pic's up im subscribed also check out my grow journal in my sig nice and bushy going into third week cycle 14/10 next week..Peace pot prosperity

mr. mad max

Active Member
i bought my seeds at which i was told they are not very good but what ever and ill post some pics sometime tomorrow thanks for the info guys i will switch my plants to 18/6 tomorrow as well


Well-Known Member
i bought my seeds at which i was told they are not very good but what ever and ill post some pics sometime tomorrow thanks for the info guys i will switch my plants to 18/6 tomorrow as well
no prob keep it grow'n

oh by the way i got seeds from cannabis as well and did have a terrible time with them im on my last 3 now that actually survived out of 20 beans 10 nlXhaze and 10 x skunk only 6 sprouted only 8 germed and out of those only 4 survived two of which i have in flower now that dont look anything like what they are..they will never do buisness with me again..

mr. mad max

Active Member
ya i got a pack for 60$ so far the first 4 i germed all came out but the dont look anything like other ww ive seen on here but whatever you lear from your mistake right anyways keep an eye out for the pics tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
ya i got a pack for 60$ so far the first 4 i germed all came out but the dont look anything like other ww ive seen on here but whatever you lear from your mistake right anyways keep an eye out for the pics tell me what you think
cant wait!!


Well-Known Member
what is strange to me is most say that the light makes them grow while my lights are on the growth is slow most of the real growth upwards happens during my lights out period ill go in to turn lights on and pow they are almost touching the lights when i used 24/24 lights it was not this true of im just in favor of some dark period even if its only 20/4..


Active Member
I am in favour of dark periods, the plants are and science is too. But for someone who is having a heart attack over the issue you can say "Leaving the lights on won't hurt" they can do what they like but a dark period of some description would be best.


Well-Known Member
i would have to agree some dark time seems to do my plants the best...I really throughout the day(lights on) notice no growth...but in the morning when the lights come back on ill have an inch or two of new grow up and out..


Active Member
I have tried 24/0 and 18/6 which is what i use they both work but i seem to get better results with 18/6 from start but with clones i go first 10 days 24/0 then switch to 18/6 and saves on electricity a bit.

mr. mad max

Active Member
well here are my beauty's tell me what you think..... i know the rule is 1 plant per pot now but this is my first grow so forgive me but they are about 2 1/2 weeks old they look really short but its because i ties them all down cuz they were fighting for the light ill have to say the are about 6 inches tall enjoy:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
The reason that its 1 per pot is because half of your plants are probably male, meaning that you either let them all grow out and then you have shitty end product full of seeds, or you cut down the males and then the roots rot and risk killing your other plants. My advice, either pull them up now and transplant them, or let them grow a little more, take clones from them all, label which plant you took which clones from, and then put these 4 plants into flowering to see which clones are from a female and which clones are from a male. Then throw away the male clones and start over from scratch with your new female clones, 1 per pot.

mr. mad max

Active Member
ok well i have cloning gel coming in the mail, what is the best way you think is to plant and take the clones from the plants??