light cycle interruption


Well-Known Member

I have 6 lil girls in a closet right now in flowering. My roomie likes to go in the walk in closet and flick on a lighter or small flashlight to check them out. Would a small amount of light like this affect the light cycle. I have heard any light at all can mess with their flowering.


Well-Known Member
yesyes total darkness, but if you go in there with an small led flashlight or lighter can this reallly make a difference just for a minute or 3?


Well-Known Member
now is it dark when u go into the room with a led flashlight or lighter?

im thinking you are going to say yes, since u probably wouldnt need to use a flashlight or a lighter if the lights were on.

12 hours of uninterupted darkness means just that, no lighters, no flashlights, no lightleaks. any interuption of the dark cycle will prolong flowering.

put a lock on that door, and tell yer buddy to leave em alone.



Active Member
is it possible to adjust time from say on at 12am and off at 12pm to say on say on at 6am and off at 6pm? im 3 weeks in thus far

the widowman

Well-Known Member
is it possible to adjust time from say on at 12am and off at 12pm to say on say on at 6am and off at 6pm? im 3 weeks in thus far
as long as you keep the 12 dark period no problem, the plants might suffer a bit of stress changing but they'll recover fast. :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
sithhater, r you asking if its ok to switch when your 12-12 cycle is during the day? I think changing from 12's to 6's would be a large adjustment. If you need to change the cycle I would suggest only a few hours difference...maybe 10am to 10pm for example because I believe that such a large adjustment might also prolong the flowering cycle or worse stress the plants.