light burn?

All my plants are in the same medium get the same nutes at the same time and the same amount, (i water with a measuring cup) this is the only plant out of five with this problem. Over all its a healthy plant minus this problem that just came up


Active Member
you got a pic cos it would help to see what you are actually on about rather then using my 3rd eye to guess


Well-Known Member
Your photo quality is poor. Try to get a side shot as well so we can see what the leaf structure is doing, maybe looks a little clawed at the tips?


Well-Known Member
One or two funky leaves is not a huge issue. Problem solving is pretty easy when dealing with these plants...they react to their environment and how you care for them. Leaves can get crispy patches from a few different reasons: to much wind, touching the light,brushing up against it, severe ph problem, severe cal def or over watering figure out one of those is happening...We can already eliminate a few of those.