Light burn or?

Ok , i just re read your original post. When you "thought" they were burnt, you lowered the food. They were never "burnt" , they were deficient. They needed more when you lowered it so the damage would continue until you upped the food especially when you added co2.

My solid guess is that you never gave them enough food to begin with which would also explain why it happened on 3 strains at once.
and the fifth and final reason i believe this is because most of the damage was closer to the lights. (where they tend to show what they need first)

Double or trip[le your food and your girls will love it.
I tried increasing ppm as well and they would not eat. As the foliage got worse, they ate less and less (ppm rising as water level dropped).

Ive seen many grow journals with cultured solutions in rdwc, many of them running co2, and for the most part they follow the schedule and get beautiful results. CS actually shows recommended conditions at different stages along with the schedule and they are showing 1500ppm co2, so they are assuming many will be running it with the nute schedule they specify. The reason i chose to try CS was because after doing a lot of research, i was seeing tons of guys crushing it by just following the schedule. Literally every other line of nutes is a guessing game especially in dwc. Instructions on bottles nowhere near realistic, 2 to 4 times too strong usually. Everyone will have their opinion but to me it doesn't make logical sense that all 4 plants of different types showed same symptoms at exactly the same time because they werent fed enough. I grew dwc for years and one thing that is always a dead give away with hungry plants is ppm dropping as they eat faster than they drink. These did the opposite. I tried feeding less for a while, tried feeding more for a while. Same result, kept losing leaves, plants didn't want to eat. For years i have followed a very simple rule for feeding in dwc that has always worked. If ppm drops, increase feed, if ppm rises, decrease feed. These plants were not asking for more food.
If you are positive that its not low on food then it has to be the lights. Thats the only other factor. Too bright for a few weeks could of caused that but it would take a couple weeks to look like that from lkight burn. probably 4 weeks.
If you are positive that its not low on food then it has to be the lights. Thats the only other factor. Too bright for a few weeks could of caused that but it would take a couple weeks to look like that from lkight burn. probably 4 weeks.

Light burn was my first guess based on the look, but i just dont see how it could be. I was 3 feet away in a glass vented hood, could not feel any warmth at all on my hand at canopy. The plants in there now are thriving at 18 inches from same light.

Even though off gassing seems like an unlikely cause, it could be possible right? The paint was just my first guess but it could be anything. I had it literally sealed with no venting ever. Ive heard of plenty of other guys having issues when not venting occasionally. I actually found a thread from years ago of a guy that had a situation following mine exactly. Leaf damage looked identical and it was all the same variables. He went fully sealed with co2 and the problem started. Same observations of ppm, plants not asking for more food.

Theres just so many possibilities, all i can do is try different things and observe the results. A few months ago i started a thread about starting seeds in a bubble cloner. It worked excellent and i had no intention of keeping the plants but i didnt have the heart to kill them after the experiment so i stuck them in some pots, threw them out side and forgot about them. 6 weeks later when my main grow was looking deathly with this issue, i was glad i kept them. They are now 2 monsters that are 4 weeks into flower along side the other 2 that survived that are 8 weeks in. First harvest in a week or so of maybe 6 oz, but those 2 dirt plants are easily gonna pull 3/4 lb in a month. After that i will be set on supply for the next year and can experiment without worrying about losing plants. Im gonna go back to sealed with co2 and occasional vent. Ill do rdwc like before but with one or 2 dirt plants along side just to rule out nutrition issues if problem comes back.
Adding the co2 will for sure require lots more food then normal.
Light intensity , co2 and food all go hand in hand....if one goes up the others have to go up with it.

Off gassing is possible , of course. I have never seen it but of course its possible.

I highly doubt you have too much light from what you are saying but the "feel rule" dont count. thats old hippy science. When i say too much light i am NOT reffering to heat , im only talking about the intensity of light. You cannot measure it with your hands.

If your 600w light is in a tiny box or tent then the intensity of the light greatly increases because of white walls an such. 18" is BRIGHT.

In those pics the plant is begging for more food. There is literally no such thing as "nute burn" only too much of an element locking out another. So its always going to look like a def not a burn.