Light at the end of the tunnel.

Zig-Zag Blue

Well-Known Member
Started these 2 outside but due to numerous problems (spider mites ,Aphids ,Neighbors i decided to finish these 2 under lights 1 400w hps + 1 400w mh.they had stretched a lot from vegging outside and just fit under my lights they are know about 5 weeks into flowering and have been steadily losing older leaves due to yellowing and drying up .hopefully i have it under control and will be able to finish without losing all my leaves..any thoughts or comments welcomed.


Well-Known Member
I would begin bending these over LST style myself. The overall height if left up will keep light from getting anywhere near your lower buds. Don't break them but gently persuade them to lay over for better light spread on the side buds that will develop.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the leaves falling off. The leaves around the buds will stay green long enough for the plant to finish.

Zig-Zag Blue

Well-Known Member
I have pulled the taller of the 2 over abit as you can see the string attached to the wall and does help with the light but only gently pulled as you said dont want to break stem