Light and oscillating fans advice.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
This thread has morphed into my diary...DSC_1119.JPGDSC_1120.JPG
Around 45 days.
I'm anticipating another month at least.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
The pinky/purples is really starting to show, the one under the light is ahead of the others in regards to the purplish colours, the 2nd is the back left, they two were the really stretchy fkrs?


Well-Known Member
Really? smh I have been growing over 30 years and I have seen it many times.
I live in the northern part of the United States. In the winter the air humidity can be next to nothing. Stand outside for a few hours on a frigid, windy day. You'll get wind burn. So I believe if i can get it, why can't the plants? Not to mention, I've seen it plenty of times on plants. Lol


Well-Known Member
VPD = vapour pressure deficit

you can combat high heat or low heat by adjusting your RH for optimum growth based on VPD charts.

personally I don’t worry about VPD.

I keep vegging plants in 50-65% RH and flowering plants in 40-50% RH.
I do the same as you. I keep temps averaged to mid 70s, rh at about 50%. I haven't had a problem since I've gotten dialed in to those specs.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I keep my temps 24.5/25.5 and usually my humidity is anywhere from 47/55% light on and 59/61% light off, in warmer spells the UK humidity is horrendous even with a dehumidifier in my tent it difficult/expensive to keep rh%under 60% when it's 80/85 coming in.
Roll on the frosty weather lol at least its only cold instead of cold and damp!

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I've made a start today no1 has its leafs stripped off and is now hanging to dry, my back is killing me so I'll proceed with it tomorrow, on the whole I'm quite happy considering the work I put in.
The main event lol

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
A bit of disappointment with 2 plants but that's seeds for you.
Eh... Wtf I'm glad I'm not depending on it.

Anyway that's life here's another weighty one :-)
That one takes the sting out of the the two useless above.
And i've still 3 good ones to cut, I got in and had a look and they're all respectable in weight.
When I had a closer look I'd missed a few from the plant above.

I'm almost there!